There are alternatives, North Africa for 90 days and the Caribbean is good for scuba diving too so it isn’t the end of the world but all the alternatives come with problems that the comforts of the EU don’t have for me like being close to aging parents...... and being able to work in my chosen job wherever I want to.
the WTD is what is to be repealed you teaspoon. It guarantees you do not have to work more than 48 hours unless you opt out and guarantees you rights to European minimum number of holidays. At the minute you have legal recourse you could sue your employee under the WTD. Without it you will have no legal recourse. I know I’m arguing with a grade A idiot so I should just stop.
In your industry probably not in the bottom end of the market 100 percent . I have literally sent you the link that confirms that one of the first things they have stated they will do is to remove some employment rights. They have removed all employment protection from their deal. They don’t give a **** about working class people who voted for them as they are just about to find out. I
I think the key words you use is 'heavily regulated'. The EU brought consistency and regulation and now companies feel, given that the government have now made it clear they don't intend to support strengthening or even supporting existing workers rights then it will be left to organisations themselves to decide. So some will see it as a necessity to maintain and attract the right skills. Some will see it as an opportunity to drive lower pay, removal of holiday entitlements etc. Lets see how it unfolds as some companies are moving to UK to secure better control of workers for examples from Germany. I know of some but it won't be promoted in public for this reason. Many others will move out of the UK to avoid post Brexit trade issues (i.e. Dyson, Sony, Aviva, Barclays etc).
A very interesting article in 'The I' last week by three respected economists.
Dyson recently moved their whole headquarters to Singapore ....for some reason this has hardly hit the media (not just the couple of jobs that were reported a while back much for mr patriot Dyson ).
And what I’m saying you thick fooking class warrior is that firms (like mine) get you to opt out when you get your contract anyway. So it makes no difference. What the tories have said is that they’ll bring out their own bill to not only protect but enhance workers rights. Of course fckwits like you will dismiss all that as tory lies. Talking of lies I’ve read today that Long Bailey dahling of the corbynista is favorite for the ira lovers job. Apparently she’s fond of telling assembled fking idiots, momentum members and others no one wants to vote for that she remembers her dads stress when facing redundancy from Salford docks during the Thatcher years. She was 2 ! Hope she gets the job, like corbyn before her she’ll be the best thing that could have happened to the tory party. Keep the faith comrade, at some point someone will invent a time machine and you can zip yourself off back to the seventies. Muppet.
Do you read any of this hate filled nonsense back? do you realise that you come across as an absolutely abhorrent individual. whilst you’re pretending to be intellectually superior; can you explain how your increased workers rights (that will be given to you by the most right wing government we’ve ever had*) will improve things for the thousands of forelock tuggers that’ll happily sign them away anyway? *course they will - they’ve obviously decided to remove promises to workers in order to make better ones.
How can you write the above and then accuse anyone of being thick If you believe that Boris Cummings and the ERG are planning to increase workers rights you are thicker than I thought you were
Went to St Kitts earlier this year, went Snorkelling I forget what they called the area but it was absolutely superb, About 3 miles south/south east of the port.
Do you ? I’m responding to a poster who called me a Class A idiot with no more provocation that pointing out that the working time directive is circumvented. Same poster who upon hearing of the election result posted about how we should all get what we deserve having failed to vote in the current shower running the labour party. And you call me odious !? You’re one of the finest exponents of the withering reply and the intolerant insult in this board nip. Maybe you should look in the mirror, maybe you should have a read back at some of your posts.
I’m merely pointing out the truth of the situation rather than resorting the the sky falling in pronouncements of the hard left and their rabid supporters. Thats what the tories have said, lets see what they do rather than trying to second guess what they dont do.
So; another attack personal because you felt threatened. Diddums And once more ignored a question. I could write the script - so predictable.
We can’t though. Whenever we tell you facts, you just tell us it’s not true and carry on believing what you want to. honestly do you really believe that the most right wing government of your lifetime just removed some plans to protect workers rights because they want to improve them and offer them seperately? I’m not suggesting the sky is falling; I’m interested in how someone can convince themselves that billionaires want to stick up for them against all the evidence.
I give as good as I get sunshine, and how can I answer your question when I don’t know whats proposed yet. But still, you never miss an opportunity if thats what floats your boat lad.
you know it makes no sense, but you hang onto the notion that you couldn’t possibly have been hoodwinked (again). And still the condescending language. I’ve no idea how old you are, but it’s a good 30 years since anyone who knows me referred to me as ‘nip’ or ‘lad’.
What evidence ? You don’t know what they’re proposing, and do you really think they’d be short sighted enough to rob the people who voted them in of their rights to sick pay, holidays, maternity leave ? It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to work out the result of the following election would it ?
You're a tad obsessed with the far left, but the majority of economists are very much of the mainstream, yet there's a derth of them shouting about the virtues of Brexit. Sure, it's their opinion but it's at least backed by some knowledge of economics. Deregulation to attract business in the face of being outside a massive market like the EU (despite its many faults) is imo the likely outcome, especially when the economy falters as it invariably will due to Brexit and World economic problems.
Yes; they’ve been doing it since 1979. They keep telling you that they need low taxes and cheap labour for the country to succeed and you’ll all get your reward later, and working class Tories fall for it every time. you have literally defended that position in your posts here many times. so absolutely they’ll get away with it. If you want to understand how things turn out; you don’t need a crystal ball or to predict the future, you just need to study history.
I can be as condescending as you are Donny, as someone trying to lecture me on the nature of my posts perhaps you should look at yours during this exchange as for being hoodwinked well time will tell and we’ll have our vote based in evidence not assumption and conjecture wont we