It's to do with social media. racism is "trending". Although watch racism hit the roof after Bresick(spelled how I feel about it)
Racism in football was receding in England (not in Eastern Europe and Italy), that is up until the referendum and the election of Trump. These two factors have given rise to 'popularist nationalism'. Somehow this popularism seems to have given racist nutters a license to crawl out of the woodwork. It is not just confined to the right wing either. We should not forget that the British fascist party lead by a former labour party MP, Sir Oswald Mosley, funded by the owner of the Daily Mail , Lord Rothermere drew its support from the working class of London's East End (including Millwall).
Slightly disingenuous - he was a Tory, then an independent, then joined the Labour Party before setting up the Fascist Party. Only because idiots reading your version would add it to their arsenal of links between the Labour Party and the Nazis.
But one surely can’t suggest that because Oswald Mosley was a fascist in the 20s and 30s that means the left is as racist as the right. Mosely ended up a far right fascist after a few years in the Labour Party. He was only helped and supported by Rothermere after he started the fascist party after studying Mussolini. I still find it odd, Labour accepted him due to his background, but alas they did, after being a Tory all his young adult life. Mosely is remembered though for being a right wing racist, not for being left wing or in the Labour Party.
Former Tory MP would also have been true. though ‘Daily Mail backed’ would be a more accurate description.
This goes far beyond football & although Gary Neville is right it also goes beyond politics. The truth is that a large chunk of people & maybe even a majority of people in this country do not care about racism towards black or Muslim people. It stems right from the top. Look at media coverage, compare whenever there’s a mass shooting in a church or synagogue abroad to in a mosque. Compare how the murders of black people are covered to how the murders of white people are covered. Look at the recent election coverage, you’ve got one man who’s the current prime minister who’s made racist & homophobic comments & has problems with Islamophobia in his party competing against another who’s never made any racist comments yet has problems with Anti-Semitism in his party. Guess which one got an hour long Panorama special & daily news coverage? Look at the coverage Farage & Robinson get, look at the number of views Robinson gets for pumping out his racist propaganda. You’ll see people sharing his views on Muslims sexually abusing children all the time, that was a drop in the ocean compared to the worldwide Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal, compare the coverage. Imagine if Grenfell was full of white people in West London. We all know the coverage would’ve been different. Look at Jacob Rees Mogg’s comments, he just sees the mainly black people in the tower block as thick. He’s still in a job. It’s incredible. People don’t care, they went out & re-elected him after that. We’ve got a racist prime minister, as a country we’ve voted for Brexit & whether people want to admit it or not a lot of the voters voted for it due to immigration. We’ve had a rise in the number of racist incidents in the last few years. A bit of (fake in most cases) outrage over a monkey chant won’t change anything. By the next round of games on Boxing Day it’ll all be forgotten about. Chelsea’s fans just like Millwall’s have been involved in numerous racist incidents over the last few years but nothing will be done because not enough people care & while ever our Government & media treat Black’s & Muslims differently people at home will too.
I think most of this rant is spot on but I will take issue with one point I think the majority in the country do care about racism to black or Muslims - I think there is a sizeable minority that don't though I think the problem is the majority of those controlling the media don't care and this is covered by the biased reporting Almost everyone cares about child abuse - so why did the media make relatively little fuss over the priests in the Catholic and Anglican churches being so evil - that makes no sense apart from they are part of the establishment. Hardly any media coverage of Boris actually taking out of the brexit bill after the election, a commitment to help refugee children join their parents if they are legally in this country. Why are they so disproportionately critical of Corbyn with little direct evidence he personally is AntiSemitic other than he is Anti Israli oppression of Palastine but have a laugh about Boris actually saying racist things on camera. The country had come a long way since the 1970's where racism was normal to 2012 where the country was as tolerant as I have ever known it - since 2016 it has been going backwards a process that seems to be accelerating over the last year and I think that is due to the media and government giving the signal that its OK
Think it was best summed up by someone I know who voted Tory - he was so pleased for the Jewish community that Labour lost - didn't seem in the slightest bit bothered by the people our PM has insulted
We stand with Gary. Sky treat him like dirt! Not just get these people out of football. Get them off the bloody planet. I hope we don’t ever see any of these monkey gestures or any other types of abuse at oakwell.
The Diaby chant was sung in the Ponty on the 14 December. By the bloke behind me, and a lot of others.
are you really suggesting that Radiger was abused at the Chelsea/Tottenham game because we have a right wing government - because if you are, you're giving them an excuse for their behaviour.
There is one on this board that seems to want to excuse it. I'm very happy to be a Snowflake for saying it is wrong. So many messages from our elected leader have fuelled much of this & it's time he himself to speak out. I doubt if he will, as he has garnered a lot of his support base by dividing our society.
you know he isn’t. When It comes from the top, when it’s normalised as a joke, when it’s seen as everyday life. The prime minister has given them an excuse for their behaviour.
I think you give a very superficial response to a complex issue. Are you really suggesting that racist behaviour at football matches should be excused because of the Prime Minister? What you're implying is that the racist who abused Radiger should be let-off and not charged? The real question to address is why has the Kick Racism out of Football which has been running for over 25 years failed?
No. He's saying that when you have a racist prime minister who has publicly made racist comments then people start to feel like If it's ok for him to be a racist then it's ok for them to be. The evidence clearly supports the theory