No one's saying it should be excused. How on earth do you reach that conclusion? What people are saying is that when the prime minister is so openly racist that Tommy Robinson is urging his followers to join the Conservative party - then the problem is somewhat wider and more serious than a few football fans. And those football fans will openly feel that they're justified in also airing racist views (if it's good enough for the PM - who should stop them?).
DR ……………...having read your message (I don't think you'll agree) but I'm of the opinion that racist behaviour can never be excused or justified in any circumstance.
ST - again with respect - you are giving a reason for racist behaviour by suggesting that because the pm is racist it's understandable for some people to behave in a racist way - read you post again. The fact is racism is wrong/unacceptable and inexcusable.
Giving a reason why people don't feel afraid to air their abhorrent views is not giving an excuse. Reasons and excuses are different things.
It's a complex and worldwide issue as evidenced during the recent England games. It isn't exclusive to England and it hasn't only been happening since Boris came to power. There's a lot of talk of nationalism since brexit and that we're becoming ever more racist and ever more less tolerant. I do believe that one of the downsides of brexit is the increase in nationalism confused with patriotism. Django makes some excellent points in his earlier post which has certainly given me some food for thought.
No, I’m suggesting that the political discourse in this country caused by a right wing government who began the Brexit process has lit a torch paper to racism. Anybody who doesn’t think politics doesn’t mould the fabric of society is deluded. We have a racist Prime Minister, who goes unchecked. We have Nigel Farage standing in front of a poster of Asylum seekers and demonising foreigners.
Just inferred a similar thing on another’s post, why are PFA asking the government to step in, it can only be because they have no faith in the Football fraternity.
Lets not forget the gains in Barnsley in particular for the BNP and later UKIP, the racism was always there awaiting a voice.
I wouldn't give anyone an excuse for there behaviour, but I'll say this when you have a prime minister who is a right-wing politician as openly called people Pickaninnies and having Watermelon smiles you don't have to think twice to realise if it's ok for him to call black people names then the nutters think it's ok for us.
Deliberately finding away to take a stand in the face of reasonable argument again. What a surprise. You clearly get a kick out of it.
Red Taff in missing the point shocker. Nobody is saying they're are excusing it. What they are saying is that it's happening because of your mate in Number Ten - amongst others.
You're wilfully misinterpreting many posts IMHO. No one has excused or justified - but you appear to have fallen for the popular media trope that to accept (the scientifically pure reality of) cause and effect equals an acceptance of lack of personal responsibility. It's tiresome and suitable only for the arguments of 12 year olds.
It's not very complex though is it? We just need to heed the lessons of the past. Nationalism has a natural bedfellow in racism, we actively moved away from Nationalism for decades - for fear of another mass war. But now we have enough people who have either dismissed or forgotten the lessons of the past and see Nationalism as a positive move for the future. They're clearly wrong and stupid - but how do we sell that message? I grew up with a dark question - 'how long will it take us to forget the lessons of the 2nd world war?' Now I know the answer - 75 years! Strap yourself in - you're about to witness a seismic shift in political behaviour.
Its more complex than blaming Boris. It’s at least a Europe wide issue. The questions are why has it suddenly become more prevalent in our game ? has it become more prevalent or has it just become more newsworthy ? in either case how do we deal with it. ?
I agree that it's more complex, but it's a factor. And a major one. Not in changing an individual's attitude to the issue, that's always been there, but in legitimising opinions that have long since been considered unacceptable.