I think that only the simple minded are seeing anyone 'blaming Boris' FWIW. From my perspective it's become more prevalent. In my world racism was down to being a few BNP / EDL knuckledraggers between 2000 and 2010 we saw kick it out posters as being 'too late to the game', and now they feel completely inadequate. BTW I blame the Liberal Left who considered that this battle had been won and started putting their efforts into increasingly minority interests instead of sticking with the big picture. I'd like your view though; How would you deal with Boris' racism?
In other news... I've just read that 'Downing St want football to do more to tackle Racism'. I'm suggesting we send Bambo down to sort Boris out.
Sorry you're right. In addition to Boris, I'd also blame Tommeh, Katie Hopkins and Nasty Nigel. Those 4 loathsome figures in particular, and the verbage they use, have have actively brought racism into the public eye. Now John Q Knucklehead thinks it's ok to make monkey chants because his Prime Minister has called Muslim Women 'Letterboxes', seen Katie Hopkins refer to Londonistan, and I can't be bothered to list all the racist things Robinson and Farage have uttered. Basically, monkey see monkey do. Then monkey chant.
The Tory party expelled Enoch Powell from the front bench in 1968, after the rivers of blood speech. Since that time Nationalism had been only represented by fringe parties, like the National Front / BNP, until Farage came along. He painted himself as your beer drinking, *** smoking "man in the street" (despite being a former investment banker) & millions of people bought into his "anti establishment" message, as they were p1ssed off with the state of the country after years of austerity & lack of investment, particularly in the north & coastal towns affected by fishing restrictions, (not all totally the fault of the EU). Due to our first past the post system, his parties, UKIP & Brexit Party have failed to win seats in general elections, despite taking seats at European elections, that are done by PR. Boris saw his opportunity with the Brexit campaign to profit from this position. He'd previously been more of a pro European, to such an extent that it was him & him alone that suggested Turkey should join the EU. As the can has kicked down the road & he finally got his chance to run for the leadership of the Tory Party his far right ERG group has taken control, expelling other MPs & resulting in intimidation of anyone that won't tow the line. Boris Johnson is not a buffoon. He is a very calculating & in my mind dangerous individual.
John, I also think Johnson is a very dangerous individual but I will always call him a Buffoon especially as it rattles his loyal supporters.
I think that in a grown man who should know better there’s not too much you can do. If someone is racist there’s little you can do if they’ve failed to heed the message and have their own opinions. However,from a football perspective what we shouldn't do as fans and as a club is allow it to go unchallenged when we hear it. And if you’re worried about tackling it face to face for fear if conflict report it to a steward as we have in the past. I think Boris is guilty if casual racism in some of the things he’s said and this shouldn't go unchallenged when he’s the man at the top. As another poster quite rightly said monkey see monkey do. It’s utterly disgraceful I hate it.
The man has proved himself time again to be a buffoon of the highest order. As you say, it fiesn't stop him being dangerous as well. In fact most of the dangerous leaders in history have been nutters.