Is it just me that thinks this is so wrong our country is made up of many religons not just Christians What message is he sending out Prime minister not in my name
I cannot stand the man, but I'm not sure what the problem is with him addressing the nation at a Christian festival to Christians????
I think his message is just wishing folk a merry Christmas who celebrate it. I’m not his biggest fan whatsoever but I think you’re attempting to make an issue out of nothing here. Oh and merry Christmas.
Why is he only standing in solidarity with Christians worldwide and not all victims of religious persecution? Not surprised there was no mention of the homeless and less fortunate.
Exactly. It’s a common theme - no matter what’s said let’s give them a kicking. Horrible negative initial post. I think it’s a great message from Boris.
Solidarity with Christian s worldwide , visits to the British army plus stories of isis resurgance if you care to look . I hope Boris isn't planning a war anytime soon .
What's your take on MP's wishing a happy Dewali or Eid, personally I ain't got an issue with it, it's there festival/ religious day(s) why not ? Or is it a swipe simply because of who it is
The number is going down at the 2011 cenus those describing themselves as Christian was down to 59% and more recent survey's have it at around 52%. I think a lot of people would describe themselves as "cultural Christian's"as opposed to actual follows of the religion. All that said as much as I dislike our PM I have no problem with his message here.
Hopefully it is just you. Bleeding hell, this is a Christian country and the Prime Minister is wishing folk a Merry Christmas. If there's anything to take offense with in that then I give up. Please put the hostility to one side for a few days. The election is done. Merry Christmas!
Well said. And though I never participate on political threads, Tony Blair did once say that he didn't like the word 'Christmas' as it wasn't all inclusive, so preferred the term 'Festive Celebration'. Point being, ignore what colour tie or rosette the bloke wishing you a Merry Christmas is wearing, and have a Merry Christmas one and all.
I happily stand aside whilst our elected representatives send good tidings for other religions, so I’m not going to be outraged about Boris’ Christmas message. I’ll add though that as an atheist I’m not happy that we actually are a Christian country’. Our head of state is the head of the church, part of our unelected upper house is occupied by Bishops. And one of the issues we have tackling religious extremism is because the C of E is so determined to defend ‘faith’ against persecution, that people can get away with bigotry so long as they can pretend it comes from a religious standpoint.
Its Christmas. So let's wish each other Merry Christmas. Just come back from the Gambia, 10% Christian and both Muslim festivals and Christian ones are celebrated the way they should be in a multi faith society
It was really the date of a pagan festival. Me and my mates used to run around naked in the woods until Neil Shipperley spoilt it for us.