No problem with the vast majority of his message apart from the bit about Christian persecution abroad. He never seems too bothered about Muslim persecution, homophobic persecution, racist persecution that's happening HERE nevermind abroad. The general message he's putting out, great, nowt wrong with it. Just ruined by him once again showing his selectivity in who he gives a damn about. And I know it's Christmas hence the christian bit but unlike our racist prime minister I'm able to hate the persecution of all mankind even at Christmas. For me Christmas isn't about Christ or a made up story. It's about family, friends and peace and generally about forgetting your troubles just for a day and being thankful for what you've got. Thankful for what you've got and hopeful that those less well fortunate can have a better life. In a lot of ways America have got it right with Thanksgiving. That's really what Christmas is for the vast majority of us.
Boris is wishing everyone an happy Christmas. It cant be so! obviously he's rasist !!. The hipocracy of some is amazing.
I'm afraid he is an hypocrite of the highest order. That seems to make him the perfect 21 century christian. Happy holiday to all regardless of what you call yourself.
I wonder where ‘thou shalt not bear false witness’ fits into his Christian beliefs. And then there’s that one about adultery!!
Oh god, I bet you're one of those lecherous older men who hang out in the pub on their own eyeing up the young lasses and telling them to 'smile love, it might never happen', not realising that they were smiling until they saw the weirdo staring at them.
There's Jeremy's here . The comments are worth a read . " Terrorist sympathizer " , " communist " etc etc ..... Yawn .
Loves women in an 'abandons them with children' and a 'likes to smack em about a bit' kinda way? We don't all love em like that though do we?
I'm not sure I understand this post - my 'ire' is raised by the fact that Religion gets an undeserved amount of influence in our 'democracy'.
Problem is, with me anyway Titus is that he's false he doesn't care about the likes of me and my kind, this Buffoon had been in office 6 days and my disabled grandson as his benefits cut again heaping more stress on his family. He and the rest of them Torys are just like Scrooge when it comes down to the poor and tax cuts for the millionaires.