I think his attitude is not good . Needs to get his finger out and work for his place. GSTRUBER hinted when he said there is no place for inflated egos in his team. Enough said.
My opinion for what it is worth is that he is angling for a move away. I have an inkling he will be at Hull City come 1 Feb. I stress these are only my thoughts and is not based upon anything that I have heard
It is a suspicion I have had for a little while which I chose to post here only because Poet has started this thread.
I suppose we dont really have an idea of how much an impending court case and possible jail term is affecting him. Maybe when its over, if he is cleared of the charges against him, we may see a different player. Or maybe he is just a lazy so and so with a bad attitude as others have suggested
He was well enough to watch Doncaster play Accrington last weekend apparently instead of travelling to Millwall to cheer on his own team. The photo of him as a professional sports person filling his lungs with smoke when health and fitness is massive in what he does, didn't sit well with many on here and rightly so. We were silly to sign someone with a big court case hanging over him. I don't know if it's affecting him but it wouldn't be a surprise to see him gone next month even if it's just a end of season loan somewhere in league one.
In all fairness a lot of stuff on here is made up. All the posts about us selling Woodrow next month for example
The poor lad is only speculating and has made this clear. If everyone on here just posted facts then there'd be nothing to read for days on end.
I thought he’d been injured and that picture was his dead brother , might be a different picture though
Apologies all. Seems like people are quite accepting of made up stuff in the current climate we live. When it becomes normalised that’s when we are in trouble. I think young nudger is a sensible and level headed fella.
Gods breath what up with everyone this morning? In answer to the question why has Wilks gone from looking like the best signing of the summer to a waste of space in just a few weeks I reasoned that perhaps he had decided he wanted away. As Hull were reportedly in for him in the summer and Grant was his manager at Donny last season, then perhaps wishing to be there. Am I wrong? Almost certainly. Are you trying to wind me up? Absolutely