..."“In the next transfer window we need more experience, I don’t think that will come as a surprise." It is a surprise that he has stated that so publicly, given posters on here seem convinced that it contradicts the management in that it questions 'the plan'. Being contradicted is not something out owners appear to take lightly.
He comes across as a bit of a smart dude,so I don't think he'd be saying that publicly numerous times,as he has done,if it wasn't going to happen. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised in the coming weeks.
I tend to think this. However given Conways recent interview (these owners are meant to be good business men, surely anyone with any pr know how would realise not to send this man out to speak) I would not be so sure. Maybe GS knows his stock is high at the moment and thinks go on them sack me for saying it, go down and prove me right OR back me as I know how to keep you up
I think even the owners will now realise that ‘the plan’ may have been applied a little too rigidly. It has also subsequently emerged that wanting more experience was not the primary cause of Stendel’s dismissal.
You know,,, it could be that the board realised early on that a bit of experience was needed, but just didn’t trust DS to spend the money, or didn’t trust his tactics, or both. The way things are panning out ie: the way GS has got the lads playing, the fact that he feels he can mention the ‘E’ word in public, DS being tapped up, his less than impressive start at Hearts,,, it makes you wonder.
I'm really warming to Struber. He hasnt come in as the big " I am" , acknowledges the hard work put in before his arrival and has moved to a formation he's happy with, with minimal disruption. He also says it how it is .Long may his success continue!
It’s something he’s said from the start, My personal opinion is it’s something he will have agreed when he took the job
On reflection, I suppose it is entirely plausible that following our improvement in form, the owners now feel they were right all along. However, Struber’s willingness to go on record does suggest there has been some acknowledgement in the boardroom.
Struber's English is not yet up to speed. I say that because he sometimes unintentionally answers a different question in interview to the one that was asked. Are we sure Struber mean experienced (as in older) and not experienced (as in played more games). It is entirely possible to meet both the owners' criteria, and answer the question in the way that he did if experienced is being interpreted differently. I am only suggesting this because I know how this BBS reacts when things happen differently to the anticipated way.
If I remember rightly the word “experienced” was used in the summer when buying such players as Diaby. ie he was experienced at playing second tier football. We mustn’t confuse age with experience
He'd best be very careful what he says, his predecessor was told to keep quiet on more than one occasion by the powers that be for daring to talk about experienced players. I'm interested to see what happens during January's transfer window.
No but it does help him deal with more different situations and pass this knowledge onto the younger less experienced players.