My dad (Rest his soul) whenever anyone changed the subject in a conversation used to pipe up, "What's that got to do with the price of eggs?" If I asked him what was for dinner he'd invariably say, "Three jumps at the cellar door", even though we never had a cellar. Occasionally he'd come out with "**** with sugar on" as an alternative response. Anyone got any more?
Put ‘wood in t’ole Who’s put all ‘ut big lights on? It’s like blackpool illuminations in ere Turn’t heating darn, tha could melt steel in ere
My Dad used to say Tha not reight in my `eead thee if I did summat daft and if he saw a fit lass he used to say I`d gi`er aif a craawn to fart in mi `and
“ tharl never manage that while av gorran oyl in mi arse.” “If thar reight there’s a tharsand in middlewood “ (not pc but hey). “Is pope catholic.” “Do bears **** in woods”. ( both stating the obvious). “Well I’ll gu tut end ot street” “Gu theer n back n see ar far it is” “Ars tha expect me tu know. Am norra bleeding encyclopaedia”