There's one on at the minutes talking about the disgusting practice of FGM and it asks you to sponsor a girl for just a few pound a month. I know these charities have always asked you to sponsor an animal but is sponsoring an individual person a new thing or have I just never noticed?
I have an even more silly question. Do the tv networks allow charity ads free airtime? Because, if not, how much of your kind donation reaches the intended recipient and how much goes towards paying for the ad. And does the chief and staff of said charities work for free or does that come from your donation too?
No it's not new. I was told about this by the parents of my then girlfriend around 35 years ago. They sponsored a child in Africa. They stopped sponsoring when they were sent a photo showing the size of the child's father's truck.
Don’t know answer to ads but most bosses etc are paid, which comes out of funds raised. Cancer Research as an example circa £240k for head.
It's been going on for years. My uncle and Aunt did it and when I was in Africa last week there was a Norwegian couple cone to visit the child they'd sponsored.
It’s fine for some of the donation to go on advertising. It might not be exactly what the person had in mind when donating but that’s how they reach more people and so make more money. There’s no point them spending your whole tenner on the person if that’s then the only tenner they’ll ever get. It’s equally fine to pay staff. Money donated is money to help and having people to carry out that help is vital. Without staff, money can’t achieve anything.
I must have either not noticed in the past or I've just completely forgot. To be honest I think it's most likely to be the second option. Such a sad world we live in when a living person needs sponsoring just to have a healthy life free from abuse.
Life's a lottery straight from birth. Everyone in our wonderful country should be thankful for what we have.
The percentage of what is raised that is spent on the charitable activities varies enormously between charities. They are highly regulated and figures are available for each of them. This report shows some well known charities with a percentage spent on charity work varying between 26% and 87%. Personally I prefer to donate to smaller charities. I think the bigger the charity, the more likely they are to have large numbers of paid staff rather than volunteers and the more likely they are to spent vast proportions of what they raise on running costs. As a software consultant, I have seen first hand how much some of the big ones spend on their finance system.
Do Don't blame you TBH, for last 16 years we’ve gone to the Children’s Cancer Ward in Nottingham every year and ask them what they need, usually it varies from toys, Playstations, TV’s and even Fridges. But it’s always something that either the kids or the Families will benefit from.
No it's not ok that TV companies making millions charge for these ads ... No , it's not OK for the top staff to be paid more than most of us could ever dream of as an annual salary. Especially when the staff in shops are volunteers, where do you get this **** attitude from????
Do you actually expect itv to donate millions to Oxfam every year? Do you also expect the chief execs with huge responsibility to work for free? Of course it is in the charity's interests to pay for an advert. If the as costs £50,000 but brings in £100,000 of donations how is that a bad thing? Similarly if a chief executive takes a £200,000 salary yet delivers a cost saving of £250,000 how is that bad business?
Does ANYONE need 200k a year to live on ??? Does anyone actually deserve that amount ???? Don't tv companies nashe enough profit ??? You seem to think n , put the onus on those who earn much less than that, and perhaps can't REALLY afford to make these contributions in the first place??? Shouldn't these be targeted at people like jacob Rees mogg et Al, instead of the poorer people in society???? Oh no , its me that's got it wrong, let the rich pay fck all as always... Hehehehe
TV companies aren’t charities, they can’t give free ads to every charity. Not only would they not make any money to make their programmes but no-one would watch as they’d get sick of being asked for money by charity ads every two seconds as they’d all advertise if it was free. Shop volunteers are part time (often a few hours a week) and are in low skilled roles. I volunteer myself for charities for no pay. The top staff are handling thousands of staff, hundreds of shops, all fundraising campaigns, millions of pounds worth of donations, the actual charitable work the charity is for etc. That is a full time job and requires an extremely high skill set that few people could manage. You simply could not get someone who is willing and able to do that for free full time. Nor should they be expected to take on that level of responsibility for no pay.
As a class war rant, that's about as incoherent as I've ever seen. "Don't TV companies make enough profit?" Completely not the point whether they do or they don't. You can't compel them to give away their product for free. "Does ANYONE need 200k a year to live on ??? Does anyone actually deserve that amount ????" Whether they need it or not, the fact is that large multi national charities operating in many countries across the world are very complicated organisations and require skilled people to run them. Those skills cost money and charities have to pay the going rate if they want good people. "Oh no , its me that's got it wrong, let the rich pay fck all as always... Hehehehe" Fu*k it, I don't know where to start with that one. I prefer to give to smaller charities because of the large overheads that larger charities carry. But I understand perfectly well why they have those overheads. You think of a charity the size of Oxfam - you expect the people carrying the responsibility for running that size organisation to do it for nowt? You're off your rocker.
Had a few too many Christmas sherry's by any chance? Jacob Reece mog has a TV by the way, he sees the ads as much as you or I do And no, nobody NEEDS 200k to live on but why would somebody earning 200k a year leave their job to run Oxfam with all its responsibilities for less money? That's how the world works whether you like it or not. Hehefu.c.kinghe