She is just as right wing as her dad, but her marketing and spin is so much slicker. you’re right she is aligned to nationalism in many other countries. You’re wrong to either believe or pretend that there’s no link to racism in that. Trump and Johnson have a large chunk of their success built on implicit rather than explicit racism, again - the fact Tommy Robinson and the EDL have chucked their support behind BoJo is testament to that. You might see those views as ‘traditional’ but I see them as dangerous.
So what sort of things has she said that have been so offensive ? I only ask because I only really follow French politics from a distance what with me not been French and all .
TR and the EDL have not 'chucked their support behind BoJo' whatever TR says - it would be naïve to think the EDL has gone away!
This sort of thing...? For those who want to talk a lot about World War II, if it's about occupation, then we could also talk about it (Muslim prayers in the streets), because that is occupation of territory. It is an occupation of sections of the territory, of districts in which religious laws apply. It's an occupation. There are of course no tanks, there are no soldiers, but it is nevertheless an occupation and it weighs heavily on local residents. There’s plenty more like that if you want to search (literally the first hit)
I never suggested they’d ‘gone away’ but there are widespread reports that thousands of them have become conservative members. and TR giving his backing to the views of our prime minister should be a worry to all of us.
If you thought I’d made it up, then you should have checked google with Tommy Robinson and Boris Johnson.
DR - one thing I've learnt is no to believe everything I read on Google - have a brilliant New Year! COYR!
I think you’ve misunderstood the purpose of Google. You have a great new year too and I sincerely hope your football team carries on doing amazing things.
She should not have said occupation , but on the other hand macron fights a war against Muslims in Mali . Which is worst ? British troops being deployed there next year by the way The BBC seem to be keeping this one quiet.
That story seems to be about Mali militants, why are you describing them as ‘Muslims’? but .., you’re right she shouldn’t be describing an ‘occupation’ and again, just the tip of the iceberg. She’s a Nasty racist cow.
Britain First have announced that over 5,000 of their members have joined the Conservative Party. In alternate news, other groups estimate that the membership figure is under 1,000. Thomas Mair shouted Britain First slogans while killing Jo Cox.
What is your opinion on reporting of police policy during the 52 week miners strike ? Just asking ....
we broke down in France one Sunday afternoon, 2 summers ago,some local people came to see if were ok,saying no one works on a Sunday you will be lucky to get help,thankfully a few hours later a young man came to our aid and towed us to local garage,in the cab of his truck I thanked him for coming out on a Sunday for us, he said he was the exception and most people want to work 35 hour week and retire on full pension at 55, France is in serious trouble because those days are gone in this world
Well the UK could be better but compared to many EU counties who are massively struggling with cash (Greece and Spain) or struggle with population (Germany) or costly protests every weekend (France) we don't do too bad.
This situation, in may ways, mirrors what happened to Matteo Renzi here in Italy. He was trying to reform and rationalise the bureaucratic nightmare that stifles business and growth. Unfortunately, at the same time, he attempted a 'power grab', amongst other changes, tried to take much of the governance away from the regions and put it back into the hands of the central Government in Rome. This pushed people towards the right and Salvini and a fragile coalition with 5 Star movement. Unlike Donny Red, I would not be too sure that Maria Le-Pen is quite the irrelevance he believes. You only have to look at the continuing anti Macron protests and growing EU scepticism (not that it is anywhere near a majority in favour of 'Frexit').
You’ve completely misunderstood my posts. maybe my grammar is complex or it was too many G&Ts. I’ll be clear - Le Pen is further right wing than any mainstream UK politician (ergo my comparison to TR) that does not equate to her not being a mainstream French politician. French politics has always been much more radical than the UK, when the NF was nothing more than a bunch of skinheads in the UK Le Pen’s dad was leading a significant political movement. When striking tube workers are being labelled as enemies of the state here (with virtually no support from the average worker) the French Unions can regularly shut the country down for days on end. the Yellow Vests are a very powerful mix of unions upset at labour reforms and anti liberal / immigration / EU activists, creating a perfect storm against Macron. But the power vacuum should they succeed will prove interesting.
However popular Le Pen gets, she is not going to be able to win any leadership run-off - as history has proven.
You also have Rumsfelt (the day before 9/11) admitting that the whitehouse had $2.3 trillion dollars un accounted for in defence spending!! They reckon it s now 10 times that figure...but at the time something like $8000 for every family in the us!!