Definitely!.... Id go as far as saying even having adeboyejo back would atleast give us something else up top! Thats how desperate we are!
If we really are that desperate, then I for one, am panicking. There’s a lovely old dear sits a couple of rows behind me, very unsteady on her feet, but has a real passion for the game. Can we not give her a whirl, up top, before reconsidering Victor?
Well it depends how close we get to 31st of the month without anyone coming in, as long as shes ready at short notice she'l get a game
Victor has scored one goal so far this season in League 1 - even if we recalled him (I dont know if we can) I cant see him being an improvement on what we have if we are that desperate we really are in serious trouble
Is he an improvement on what we already have, an extra body in the squad or a replacement for somebody leaving? Whether he's worth a deal or not would depend on the reason.
Miller.. strangest bfc signing ever at least we didnt pay money for victor and he scored a couple last season. Bet we never see miller make a start in a red shirt.
I’m not being funny but if we don’t recall Victor back then we won’t be able to do his Whigfield Saturday night chant. And I for one would be devastated.