after all this utter sh*te about gammon etc, let's just get back to the original subject, Greta Thunberg. like her or loath her, she has done a great service to both the planet and the human race if only gammons like Boris and Trump would get their heads out of their ar*es and do something about it.
Trolling Racism Bigotry Homophobia How does the forum attention seeker do it on such a consistent level?
Don't mind Greta, her heart is in the right place and she's still only a kid. But I do think she's being exploited a little. Not the biggest fan of her Twitter 'trolling', either. Comes across as a bit hubristic and arrogant at times.
How I see it is a follows We all have to like her because she is young and is concerned about the climate. I get that. Of course climate change is a worry and we have to look after the planet. But who has decided she is the voice for the concerned? Her parents perhaps? Extinction Rebellion? But if anyone airs counter views about her (not her opinions) does that make them bad people?
Personally I think she has been motivated/manipulated by the mother. However love her or hate her she has got people talking about climate change, which is what it was all about. Even if you don’t agree with what she says(or does) disagreeing with it raises the profile of the subject.
Does she? Or do some people have an irrational fear of someone. I mean, you obviously have a view about “her” as you felt the need to post
Just various articles on net about her and her background. Her book Scenes from the heart gives an insight into her Mother.
Don't you think she does? And whatever I feel about her I am sure you would quote me and question any views I have. Personally a young girl with aspergers being thrust on the world stage is not something I would advocate as a parent but maybe that is her choice and not her parents. I don't know. Is it okay for me to say that?
You have to remember that Asperger's isn't the most serious or debilitating condition. Guy Martin has Asperger's and has a successful TV show.
Just my opinion, but I think the instant we start making assumptions about her motives rather than discussing the facts, we’ve become a little small minded. there’s a huge movement to discredit her and it comes to the surface in some strange ways.