How much of it is their own fault? How much sympathy can you give to a country that is killing the planet? One of the sunniest countries there is yet it generates such a low amount of solar power. The UK averages just 1493 hours of sunlight a year compared to Australias 2426 hours which at the average amount of sunlight we get per day is the equivalent of a massive 288 extra days. We are just 0.25m sq km, they're a massive 7.75m sq km which is 32 times the size of us. That gives us 363.7million sq km of sunlight per year (probably not the best way to word it but you get the idea) compared to Australias 18.8 BILLION sq km of sunlight per year and yet in 2018 we generated 13TWh of solar energy compared to their measly 11.7twh. 70% of their energy is generated from coal and they as a country are one of the world's highest produces of carbon emissions. 0.3% of the world's population but produces 1.07% of the world's carbon emissions. We all jump on China and were quick to criticise Brazil recently with the Amazon but Australia despite giving off a friendly appearance is actually harming the planet significantly and killing itself in the process.
Every state is a minimum of 40 degrees at the moment. That's nature. The land is brittle. Fire and wind is a nightmare and the country is in a state of catastrophic proportions. This is not the fault of Australia.
You don't think that a country producing amount of emissions and doing sod all to stop climate change may be slightly at fault for climate change?
When 13 people and approximately 500 million animals have died they get all my sympathy. Can’t quite believe anyone would even ask that question if I’m being honest, especially as the fires are largely due to the weather system and not because little Tommy’s family down the street uses a coal fire instead of an electric one generated by solar panels.
I'm more surprised that you are a climate change denier to be honest. It's also possible to have sympathy for individuals involved whilst having lityle for the country itself
How am I a climate change denier? What did I say thst labelled me a climate change denier? I’ll give you a clue, there was nothing in there that anyone could construed as me being a climate change denier. If we’re needlessly jumping to conclusions, why are you blaming those dead people for their own deaths? Your reputation on this board precedes you and now with your opening post and then your reply to me I can see they were accurate. Clown.
They have elected some complete w@nkers, so the electorate are at fault. Same with the USA. Same with ... you name it.
Perhaps this will give them some food for thought but your second sentence is highly insensitive at best. Do you blame an entire nation's population including their animals when a handful of people pull the strings? I don't.
Just to clarify once again. I am not blaming the victims, it's awful what's happening. I am saying that as a COUNTRY is Australia as a huge contributor to global warming to blame?
Seems to me that the matters you have raised are quite legitimate and you've hardly gone overboard with the blame game.
Actually every state is currently experiencing normal temps for the time of year. Drought added to recent high temps and winds have fuelled the annual bush fires which we have seen raging in Australia. Source Australian met office
On the topic. What a complete c.nut Jeremy clarkson is. Vile man, writing vile $hite, for a vile rag. C.nut
Sins of the fathers went out with the old testiment, you can't "blame" locals who are being visited by an appocolypse of fire end of story. They didn't set any policy either way at the end of the day, Lets not be glad for those suffering because they happen to be Australian.
Now if only there wasn't a media baron who controlled much of the popular press (and at least some of the TV) in those countries who prefers candidates of a conservative nature and pushes them in all his publications...
The UK has 66 million inhabitants. Australia has less than 25 million. A quick calculation gives me 195 GWh per million people in the UK. For Australia it's 475 GWh per million people. You don't just need space to generate solar power, you also need to pay for it. Using GDP as a measure (the UK is about twice as big as Australia) gives a fairly similar outcome. It only looks bad because of the arbitrary choices of your data.
I have family in Australia, solar panelled home owners, paying virtually nothing to the energy companies. They are not yet directly threatened by flames but are directly affected by smoke and ash. I find your post offensive.