..The other day someone posted about gender so I looked it up. Apparently there are now 58!!!! listed 'genders' Now IMO there are, were and always will be only 2 (3 if you include rare cases of hermaphrodites) Male and Female. Gender is the physical body you are born with and the ...ahem...equipment it comes with. Anything else is 'proclivity' determined by how your brain functions ( it is perfectly 'natural' that some people are 'wired differently'). All people -heterosexual or not - are initially attracted to others by physical attritbutes.....tall ,short, skinny , plump, dark hair brown eyes, blond hair blue eyes..... the list is endless. Heterosexual is 'the norm' since it is how we as a species reproduce but it is not to say others are not 'normal' . We are what we are. So all this labelling of homosexual, lesbianism, Bi sexual, cross dressing, 'not sure' etc is NOT 'gender'. Everyone has the right (not sure about 'human rights' lawyers needing to becoming involved') to live how they wish and seek out like minded individuals to share their life with regardless of whether they are heterosexual or otherwise. What is not right is that people making lots of noise about it being their human right to be addressed as 'he' 'she' 'they??!!' and furthermore demanding people address them as such and complaining or being insulted if they are not. Why should everyone be constantly 'walking on eggshells' to satisfy the egos or massage the insecurities of those who feel it necessary to draw people attention to their sexual orientation? We are human beings first and foremost. We address people as we see them physically on first meeting. but there is nothing to stop them asking to be addressed as they believe themselves to be. In any event once people know someone they tend to call people by their name or you. Hoiwever, that is far cry from demanding legal rights to be addressed in a certain way and being offended when someone doesn't. It seems everything/everyone has to have a label nowadays and the idea of all these genders to create inclusivity of minority groups in society is counter productive as it sets them apart. Fatuous court cases trying to get these 'genders' on passports does not help. Rant over.
Why do u care so much? If someone wishes to call themselves a transfemininepolygenderdemigirl surely that's up to them. U know what u are, I know what I am, whatever someone else wants to be is up to them. Far more meaningful crap to get vented about if u must.
As soon as I hear anything about numerous genders I just switch off. I’ve not got the time for that kind of nonsense. That probably makes me narrow minded but I couldn’t care less. Unless I end up with a child in that predicament it’s not a subject I want to waste anytime on
I think you're probably right, in that scientific biological gender is determined by whether you have two X chromosomes or an X and Y chromosome. The whole identifying thing is largely over my head and frankly such a minefield that I prefer not to think about it. If someone with an XY wants to say that they are a woman I kind of take the view that it doesn't impact me on a daily basis so what do I care. I do have some sympathy for those that do feel strongly about it and end up disciplined and losing their jobs for saying that there are two sexes; because at a biological level they are right. I also don't understand particle physics - but I don't get upset about that either.
The more I see your threads - especially after this has already been covered- the more im convinced you take pleasure in creating a bit of drama on the board which will no doubt occur and give you the attention you and a couple of others so desperately crave. Edit: People seem to be confusing gender with sexual orientation. And if someone who feels alienated and different takes comfort from being part of a group with others in an otherwise ****** up world, what on earth is wrong with that?
I agree. There are much more challenging things to think about. Like what exactly a false 9 is, for instance.
Cant get worked up about it - but surely there can only be 3 genders on a passport male / female or hermaphrodite if you have womens bits you are female whether you are straight, lesbian, bi or pansexual or whatever subcategory you are in possible exception is trans - but here it should be simple to change from male to female (or visa versa) when the person changes sex so for example Bruce Jenner would have been male on his passport, but when she changed to Caitlyn she then became female - its not that complicated to me though doubtless I am being oversimplistic
As with many words, the meaning of the term gender has changed over years and from culture to culture. Scientifically, there are two sexes (in humans) defined by genes. In ancient times and before scientific classification there could be many genders. We are in an age where many genders are identified. It becomes a problem when people want it to be.
There are at least 8 known genders biologically due to chromosomal abnormalities - although all of them, including at least 45,X , 47,XXY , 48,XXXY , 49,XXXXY , 47,XYY and 47,YYY are rare and often lead to physical developmental issues. BTW particle physics is relativity easy
The easiest way to find out the sex of an ant is to place it in a glass of water. If it sinks. It's a girl ant. If it floats. Boy ant.
And you seem to need to make personal comment about the poster. I get it you don't like me but if you are not interested in the post don't respond. Simple! As regards seeking attention, surely the objective of posting on anything is about stimulating discussion and initiating debate. I certainly don't "desperately crave" attention (although when I'm gigging it is nice when the audience do ) Seems that you have a unique ability to judge without having even met someone in person. On the OP it was more about the problems in society that causes this being a topic at all. Only in the past few years has this even been raised and it is not about a so called more enlightened generation.
And what problem does this cause for you personally for you to feel you need to rant about it? Other than confusing gender and sexual orientation.
Genuinely not arsed me. If someone wants to identify as a sponge or loaf of bread why not let them if it makes them feel better and more content about themselves? As long it doesn't adversely affect the people around me then crack on.
So is it a mental ilness then or what?..... I dont know much about the subject so wondered if there is anything different biologically in these people or is it more of a mental state of mind thing etc.
?? mental illness??? Absolutely NOT!!!! The brain is composed of 40% grey and 60% white matter. The grey matter is made up of about 100 billion neurons that gather and transmit signals while the white matter is made of dendrites and axons that the neurons use to transmit signals. Physically, it is mainly fat and water!! Genes control the makeup of our bodies and physical attributes so everyone is unique. The brain too,is unique and, whilst environment , experiences and our development influences us, the brain is responsible for all our thoughts and emotions. Everyone is 'wired' differently and, for example, chemical changes within the brain can result in depression or euphoria which is why people with depression can respond to certain drugs and why alcohol and drugs can stimulate different emotions in individuals. With billions of people populating the planet diversity is inevitable and necessary for our development as a species through evolution. Based on all that..what is 'normal'?