Another benefit of brexit is we will no longer have our students having exchange visits with our enemy countries in Europe as the government has rejected any idea of keeping us in the scheme As pointed out elsewhere it takes a special kind of person to vote against allowing young people of all of financial backgrounds to benefit from a years study in another country. - that should be reserved for those with rich parents. This is conveniently being buried behind the Harry Megan story which will of course have zero impact on peoples lives. We keep being told to get behind brexit and make it a success but its hard when things nothing to do with getting back sovereingty - such as better eductation for students and reuniting children with parents are also being dumped as we try to isolate ourselves from Europe
What they voted against is that the Government is "required" to negotiate a new funding deal for the Erasmus program - they've not voted to scrap it, just that its up to the Government whether they will include it in any deal. I'm no fan of any of this, but if you're going into negotiations with a gun to your head, you're probably going to get pumped.
We both know that its not going to happen though its hardly going to be a priority to get agreed in the really short timescale that Boris has committed to and once its gone it will not get brought back - at least not under this government.
Its actually probably a good leverage point for the UK in negotiations, given that 30k students come from Europe and 16k UK students go to Europe, so its in the EUs interest for us to stay in it.
That may be true but as the Tories count students in the immigration figures so reducing the number of foreign students coming over will be seen as a win. I am confident we wont be in the scheme this time next year
One thing that surprised me was the small percentage of UK students that take it up, slightly less than half of one percent. My guess is they must be in the main, language seems a bit tricky trying to learn for instance an engineering degree abroad whilst trying to learn the language from scratch.
As someone who teaches in University, I find this decision terrible but it was one of the potential consequences of Brexit. Over the years I have had my classes enriched by the presence of Erasmus students and indeed have seen how my own students have come back enthused after a term or year in Europe. Language has never been a problem as many HEIs in Europe can and do teach in English and indeed attract UK students due to lower fee regimes.
it takes a special kind of person to rail against democracy It takes a special kind of person to deny local kids jobs as the market is flooded by imigrants. It takes a special kind of person to want their own house price to rise as hundreds of thousands of imigrants compete with our children for houses But no - its more important that middle class kids go and **** about in Berlin for a years jolly obviously. Since the Referendum NEETS numbers have plumetted as imigration from the EU has dramatically reduced. Thank god. So I'd rather focus on working class essentials rather than middle class luxuries. Shame other folk who reckon their working class dont
Typicaly mindless diatribe from a remoaner. - it's all been about giving OUR kids a better future - and removing the things which prevent them having the best chance in life.
Not sure this is worth a reply but just to pick up a couple of points How is wanting an exchange program for students railing against democracy? Jobs market flooded by imigrants(sic) denying local children jobs - unemployment far lower than it was before we joined the EU and as for the idea that a years exchange is a middle class luxury and a jolly for the middle class - its hard to find words . Maybe we should just ban universities altogether as a middle class elitism - kill off the teachers and doctors and engineers and only have working class jobs allowed FFS you also know that since Brexit the number of foreign workers in the NHS has declined significantly contributing to the massive increases in waiting times - but thats a good thing isnt it for those who would rather wait twice as long than be treated by a POC
Like the taking away the ability to study abroad to broaden their education. And removing their right to freely work in the rest of the European Continent - that sort of better future?
Diatribe ????... simple statement of understanding of your post. Always nice to see the "remoaner" name come into play
Clear demonstration of your lack of understanding - clearly your projection and pre-disposition rather than my - or indeed the vast majority of brexit voters motives.