I doubt that they'll ever be out of the limelight. More a case of being able to choose for themselves what they want to do in future. The press will still be following them everywhere they go. If anything, this might make them even more interesting to the likes of Hello, etc.
Wow you really are a myopic nob aren’t you Not jealousy at all. if you want to discuss this like a grown up - you could offer a counterpoint re ‘meritocracy’. but despite your initial jibe it didn’t take long before you actually gave an example that agreed with my point.
Well, it makes a change from him running stories from phones that have been illegally hacked I suppose.
If I was Megan I'd be getting my brake pipes and pads checked this morning. And I'd avoid the underpass.
Independent? No they haven’t said that. They said they will ‘work towards financial independency’. In other words they’re off but still want paying. For now. They can do as they wish as far as I’m concerned but pick one, don’t expect to be funded to do what the frig you want.
In today's paper, they reckon that Harry is worth circa £20 million and Megan £5 million but for now, they intend to keep their titles, their cottage at Frogmore House and the £650k p.a they recieve from the Privy purse. Nice work if you can get it.
They've been teeing this up for a while. Now you know why there's been so few pictures of their kid - they were waiting until they were in a position to auction rights off to the press.
OMG. Madam Tussauds has removed Harry and meghan wax works from the Royal collection. Well that will teach them to have the audacity to do their own thing.
Some one needs to make a decision. Fair enough for Queen and even Charles to scale back as they're getting older but for the youngstars they're either fully in or fully out.
Brilliant!! You start by calling me a myopic nob (or is that knob??) then tell me to discuss it like a grown up. You have really excelled yourself in the 'irony' stakes.
Your opening phrase - I'd suggest you learn to treat others how you wish to be treated. Don't go round insulting people and then get all snowflake when they reply in kind. Like I said happy to discuss like a grown up