In line with the unemployment rate. no correlation at all between the number of immigrants and the unemployment rate. Although the flipside has some quite strong evidence; crops going unpicked, record no’s of vacancies in the NHS etc. for a laugh you could look at our immigration rate compared to Germany and also compare our wage growth. The UK has an economy that’s remarkably different to many of our EU counterparts, private sector investment is very short term biased, and growth in GDP doesn’t trickle down as an increase in wages for workers. The difference between the rich and poor here is dramatically different to our neighbours.
It wouldn't be if the post didn't start "another benefit of brexit". As it did - it is. Not the best reference point - 50 years ago. The reference point I'd use personally is post EU expansion when former eastern block countries joined. Well in my view it is. I don't know anyone from Lundwood, Kendry or Wombwell that did this. I'm prepared to be corrected - but even then I'd like to see the macro numbers - I'm prepared to change my mind. I don't think this is reality for the working classes so I'm not mourning it. As for university - poor people go to university. I know several - including myself. Based on merit. This is how it should be. I fail to see how it's middle class. The appalling selection process from private schools into Oxbridge should be outlawed. But universities with no fees and a grant regardless of parental income should be open to all. (or paid back tax free post graduation perhaps) I'm not sure why you think this is a bad thing - or indeed MASSIVE INCREASES IN WAITING TIMES is reality or even causal. If it is it's short term pain which we all signed up for. Now lets get the nurse training school at Manvers re-opened up and get our kids out of call centres and into decent jobs instead of importing the skills.
And then it's all over and done with....HURRAH!!!!! Seeing as it was then only thing I'd heard for months from half the people on TV (especially from blondes with no comb) I thought it was all over. Can't wait for all our problems to be solved on Feb 1st then
I'm also confident that Universities will continue to run exchange programs too - my daughter is studying a year out from Leeds university in China, nothing to do with Erasmus.
Glad you replied. My first response would have seen me banned from the BBS (and probably the Internet).
Wow! Just wow! I’m so glad others have replied to this xenophobia. I thought there were jobs for everyone, according to the CONservative government. Local jobs being taken by Jonny foreigners, houses taken by Jonny foreigners, benefits by JFs (presumably whilst taking our jobs) - why not go the whole hog & send them all back? Oh, & get all our emigrants back! Good to see the stereotypes are out - middle classes jollying in Berlin? I don’t know you from Adam but, in my opinion, your comments are shameful
From Darfield used Erasmus. Are you prepared to let your family and friends die while we turn kids from the call centre into surgeons
I’m now an emigrant and don’t recognize the Britain that I served in the Army. Come back? Not by choice, sorry.
In 93 i was an Erasmus student. I lived in Belgium for 6 months and I'm a scientist. (Quite a good one actually). I worked in a world leading research lab.
Do you have any experience in cloning? I'm thinking Neil Redfearn, Ronnie Glavin, and Trevor Aylott - just for starters.
Thought that this would be part of the pain and suffering that you repeatedly and vociferously wished upon those who voted leave and/or returned a large Tory majority?
This has also been my experience after many years working in universities. Erasmas students vastly increased the learning experience for all the UK students in the class, by having a more mature attitude and encouraging a dialogue rather than just rote learning. International collaboration funded by the EU has been an important driver in innovation. just what British industry needs to maintain market advantage and maintain jobs. Dark days, I know loads of European academics who have left already and British ones following the funding and a better culture to live in.
We attended a meeting last night in Macerata re Brexit organised and attended by senior people from the British Embassy in Rome including one of the UK Brexit negotiators working with the Italian Government and one who is responsible for communicating with expats and UK people living and working within European Union. Erasmus was brought up during the briefing and the Q&A session. Whist I did not pay much attention to that element of the discussions as there was a lot of information being imparted and Erasmus did not affect us, I am sure 7 years continuation from 1st February was mentioned whilst ongoing discussions take place. Given the benefits for UK student studying abroad (in Italy at least) since fees are 1500 euros per year including International students it is in the interest of the UK(whose universities charge £9k) to negotiate a deal given the amount of money it brings in to universities. I do not understand why the Govt would seek to terminate the programme. Perhaps you had better contact the negotiator and tell her that you know more than her as you seem to have information that the Govt have already rejected the scheme. Where have you got it from?
Of course there will still be university student exchanges. But the numbers will be way down. In particular we will lose the academically stronger ones from Europe with good English language skills. So instead of enriching the learning environment for our students, it will reduce the quality of their education. How do I know this? because it is already happening. Courses that recruited lots of European students have already closed and academic jobs have gone.
Err... This.. OP Scaremongering .. Not what the negotiator told us last night. i.e. Negotiations INCLUDE maintaining Erasmus. Also see link above