My family and I have been to Scotland for our holiday on many, many occasions. They've ranged from Kirkcudbright in the South West, to Avoch in the North and none of us have had an issue with any local, not for a second. A couple of years ago we holidayed in North Wales (we're going again later this year) and it was exactly the same there. My late Grandfather came from County Clare and, again, never experienced a moment of bigotry directed towards me, or my family. Just for balance.
I imagine most reasonable people feel this way towards you to be fair. I don’t know you personally, but from what you post on here I’m quite prepared to dislike you if ever we were to meet in person. I have met loads of Irish and Scottish people, none have ever said they hate the English or myself. I can only think it must be you YN and what you represent- boorish uptight insular and full of yourself.
Well said. The idea that people suddenly turn nasty as you drive across a border is too daft to laugh at. The truth is that 99.9999% of people everywhere are fine. You don't hear much about them because they're too busy getting on with life to cause any unnecessariness.
I wouldn't be too upset if Scotland left the UK. Just gives me a chance to collect some new coins when Scotland cannot use UK currency anymore.
This message board is NOT designed to be a popularity contest. As you may have gathered by now I dont give a flying foook if people on here don’t like me - and the same applies away from this message board in real life. I maybe in a very small minority on here - my posts are my thoughts. No matter what others think about them. Only the insecure are bothered about what others might think of them. But one thing you may have realised while reading my posts - I don’t do personal abuse.