Let him have a "normal life" as you put it, as long as we taxpayers are paying NOTHING to subsidise that lifestyle. Nothing from the civil list, no money for protection officers etc etc. In fact I'd want the pair of them stripped of their titles.
I agree that he shouldn't expect to be paid for a "job" that he has effectively resigned from. The protection costs are more complicated. He didn't ask to be born into the royal family and he's doing as much as he can to get out, but at some point he'll be the King's brother whether he likes it or not. Some form of protection is inevitable and since it's "us" that put him in that position, it's "us" that will pay for it. I couldn't care one way or the other about the HRH status, but as I said, he'll be the King's brother. It'd look a bit odd, and frankly spiteful, if he was no longer HRH Prince Harry and was forced to become plain old Harry Windsor.
Don’t forget about the time she was accused of trying to kill Charlotte... by having the same flowers every Royal bride has.
Harry, or Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor? (Prince Philip took the name Mountbatten after becoming a British subject).
Some 'author and journalist' was on radio Sheffield half an hour ago saying that it's all Meghan's fault that this is happening. That she wants to have her cake and eat it. Basically slagging her off completely without any challenge from the BBC. Or maybe it could be because of exactly this nonsensical abuse and attempts at defamation that they're driving prince harry and his wife away just like they did with his mum.
I don't think it's anything to do with wanting to avoid the limelight. I think it's more a case of "want to avoid systematic abuse, lies and defamation at the hands of the British media. Don't be a black foreigner who married a prince"
Still think this ‘black’ excuse is a load of boll0x , for all their faults I think the vast majority of people either like somebody or don’t and colour doesn't come into it. I know from my own point of view it never entered my head about her ethnic background. Also the only time I can recall the race thing been brought up has been by people ‘defending’ her and using it as a so called reason.
Apart from Danny Baker getting sacked for posting an inappropriate racist picture when the couple had their child .
That was a stupid naive mistake by him, he had had this ridiculous theme of monkeys dressed as famous people for years, no insinuation of racial undertones at all, he just saw them as the furry animals they are,just stupid.
You honestly think the Mail and Express aren’t racist? They are making up horrendous stories because of her skin colour and people are reading them and hating her because of the stories. People are then saying that racism has nothing to do with it and they hate her because of her being greedy/selfish etc. but they’re not realising that it was racism that brought them those stories in the first place. Not their racism but racism all the same.
I think it's a combination of things. There's some racism in there, plus some classism, some xenophobia and some sexism. I think what annoys them so much is that an outsider in terms of class, skin colour and nationality has come into the royal family and had the temerity to have an opinion rather than submitting and becoming a professional prince incubator who is largely seen but not heard (like Kate). For all I know she might be a nightmare behind closed doors, but even if she was it would be no justification for the coverage. I can't stand the royalty and understand them wanting out, but I'd still bill them for the wedding and demand a cut of any income they make based off trading on the fact they're royals. At the minute they've had the free wedding, medical care etc. and are now free to trade off all that for their own profit.
I know but that wasn't the question . I wondered whether with all Blair's earnings as an ex pm was he paying something for his protection ? If not , why not ? Not picking on Blair by the way it is just that he is a high profile example .
Maybe I’m naive because I take people as I find them, but I hear loads about stories being made up about her because of her being mixed race, but everybody seems light on proof. Seems to me to be one of those statements repeated so often that somehow it’s become ‘fact’ and to be fair she’s had far more bad press than just in those two papers.