Just finished my coarse of metronidazole today But it states not to drinking 25 hours after finishing the course. Yes I know I am answering my own question but has anyone recently taken these antibiotics and drunk alcohol the following day . Supposed to be on a stag do tomorrow after game and wondered if the side effects are really as bad as they state online .
I would never drink whilst on antibiotics but never come across packaging that states after finishing the coarse
All these things are worse case scenarios aren’t they? One of the alleged side effects of my daughters epilepsy drugs...? Seizures.....ok. I believe drinking just stops them working? So it’s a case of, are you cured of whatever it is you were taking em for?
Well yeah your right I’ve just never had the pharmacy warn me not to drink 24 hours after finishing the coarse . The antibiotics I was on last week didn’t do anything so they put me on these so presumed these were a very strong antibiotic
You will not die. However you will be in grave danger of waking up the morning after the night of the stag do, having **** yourself during the night.
But that’s what you will be doing. The 24 hours after taking them is the same as any other 24 hours after taking one in the morning before taking the next one 24 hours later. Your body doesn’t know that you’re not planning on taking one the next day and the last one is still important or you’d have been given one less. You know the answer.
I'm probably being a bit daft but if you posted at 8:30 saying you'd already finished your course then doesn't that mean you can go to the match, go to the stag do afterwards and start drinking at the very latest half 9?
just go with the flow if with a decent bunch and not too far from a bed if you still fell the need for antibiotics then don't drink
If memory serves metronidazole is one of those where the side effects can be quite bad, causing vomiting. Personally I wouldn't risk it.
I once had metronidazole had a beer the next day never felt so I’ll I’m my life, it’s to do with the half life of medication and how long it stays in your system, due to past experience I would not drink so soon after