Watched Carter v Higgins in the Masters Snooker competition last night. Carter quite clearly missed the yellow, but he insisted he'd hit it and the referee accepted it and didn't award the foul to Higgins who eventually went on to lose the game. Absolutely unbelievable that he could claim to have hit that ball.
I was puzzled as to why they didn't ask the lads in the BBC control room to mediate, plus if there's a foul and the balls have to be reset, there's a guy who uses a monitor to view the replay so the referee can be advised as to the correct original positioning. In this instance, even he wasn't consulted and the ref accepted Carters claim that he had hit the ball.
Not a fan of snooker but it is amusing that a suspected match fixer was on the receiving end of this poor decision
Carter was moaning this week wanting the world championship moved from Sheffield. If he doesn't like it he can always not play it.
In carter's defence he called a foul against himself earlier this week when the ref missed a pushed ball. But he clearly missed that yellow.
On the whole snooker players are honest re fouls and misses to a fault. Always felt a bit sorry for Carter as he's been through a lot healthwise but he can act a bit of a d*** sometimes.
I've absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Carter genuinely thought he'd hit the white. The referee accepted his indication and John Higgins raised no objection. But, once it was put to him afterwards I'm surprised that he didn't offer apologies on air to Higgins and the Referee, even though it was a genuine mistake. That would have been more gracious, and would have been in keeping with the spirit of the game which led to his assertion being accepted. You have to admire the way Carter has overcome his health issues, but his mini barging match with O'Sullivan a couple of years ago hinted that he has a bit of an 'edge' to him.