So - two unicorns on order perfectly reasonable - godzilla ridiculous..... Remainer hypocracy at its very best. The only thing we can be safe in the knowledge of is that everything bad will be blamed on brexit by the press - and everything good will be in spite of it. In reality everything else will probably be just about the same as always - Barnsley will continue to be one of the poorest communities in the country and it will all be Thatchers fault.
No, from 31/1/2019 (well, actually 31/12/2019 until Boris goes back on his word and extends), it will *all* be the fault of those who voted Leave or more specifically those who persuaded them too.
Main reason I'm working in the Channel Islands is to avoid the worst problems with the loss of FoM on my industry. Although it will be more death of a thousand cuts or a slowly deflating balloon than a crash. But, it only imports 30x more than fishing from the EU, so isn't important..
One of the strangest ******* things about brexit is that people like you still think the media are against it and that you’re sticking it to the establishment. ******* mental.
I don’t understand the whole Festival of Brexit, minting of coins, ‘bonging’ Big Ben etc. like we’ve just overcome an enemy and achieved independence or something when he literally just had a vote. If we could always just have a vote whenever we felt like it, one that could be decided by such a tiny majority too, then it’s hardly like we were being oppressed and we’ve had to struggle valiantly to free ourselves. It was piss easy to leave, always has been.
There is no Festival of Brexit. Anyway, when we first joined there was, amongst other "celebrations", a Wembley football match. I doubt we've got one arranged for when we leave.
Really? We are seeing a significant increase in costs of most of our products. There's been a clear trend of prices rising with the Brexit leaving date nearing, falling after the deadline is pushed back, rising as the new one nears then falling and so on since Theresa may was in charge.
Yes, a number of suppliers have reduced their prices and we are seeing this trend across different materials across a multitude of countries, the biggest drop was actually from a Dutch supplier who have stated the reduction was due to the out come of the general election and the impending Brexit out come but suppliers as far a field as the far East and all following suit, it could be we have been lucky but I very much doubt it but this type of impact doesn't sit well with some sections of the media or on here either to some extent, the doom monger's
Is this 2 weeks till Brexit a proper 2 weeks, or a Cauley Woodrow will be available in 2 weeks timescale?
The argument's been lost. It's wait and see now. And apply for associate EU citizenship if t becomes available.
The reality is we won't leave the EU on the 31 st . We are merely withdrawing from its political apparatus . That this Tory government are trying to dress it up as " Brexit day " is a lie .
I’d just read that a few minutes ago, nothing like a bit of blame deflection from him there: ’Asked how differing regulations between the UK and EU may impact industries such as automotive and pharmaceuticals, he said: "We're also talking about companies that have known since 2016 that we are leaving the EU. "Admittedly, they didn't know the exact terms." He also still refused to say which parts will change, so what good has businesses ’knowing‘ since 2016 supposed to have done when we still hasn’t a clue himself?
That would be the same press that were, in the main, cheerleading for Brexit. Unless you read the i, the Guardian and the Daily Mirror the rest of the dailies were very much pro-Brexit. nothing sums up Brexit better then this. Crowd funding 1/2 million pounds to make big clock go bong while my dad waits 9 months for a hip replacement in our underfunded nhs.