But the quicker route from Hull to Cleethorpes is the Humber bridge. Coming back to Goole is a long detour on an already daft journey.
There is no doubt in my opinion that there needs to be increased funding for mental health and adult social care but this is only part of the problem. Funding cannot keep up with demand and this invariably impacts on the services that can be provided. The current NHS model is no longer fit for purpose and needs serious reform if it is to survive. I'm not saying that free at the point of need has to change, I don't think any government would entertain this, but the way it is run from the top down, the procurement and prescription of drugs, the way valuable resources are prioritised, and the demands made on our nurses and doctors amongst other things needs review and reform.
Just shake my head on some here re the NHS, It’s never the Govt’s fault. Typically comments blaming everything but are from posters with a history of being pro- Tory on here. Stop privatising the services within the NHS. Stop cutting local council budgets to the extent where they have little or no option but to cut or even stop providing for things like Mental Health care, they need to be taken away from the Hospitals and put back in specialists provision and in our communities. Anybody want to donate towards the Big Ben chimes at the end of the month whilst we’re getting the rest of our priorities wrong
i was asleep and didn't know she'd even gone until she got home, she must have been in serious pain to go at that time of night no dentist available last night, the doctor had to google the use of clove oil which she'd been using! just a sad state of affairs when you must travel 70 miles to see a dentist in an emergency (to her) toothache sucks too
What people sat in A&E also don’t see or appreciate is the waiting room can be empty but the people brought in by ambulance use a separate entrance and more often than not take priority. I have seen at Lincoln ambulances queuing with patients waiting to be seen, meaning the ambulances are off the road too and tied up until they can be handed over.
Dont get me wrong toothache is agony but I know when I had flu and awful earache on the weekend I rang 111 the next morning and went to an out of hours dr.
In my experience the biggest drain on a&e services seems to be that the doctors and nursing staff waste far too much time having to do admin. Surely there has to be a more effective system in the 21st century that allows all the information to be recorded but without taking up so much time. The second biggest drain (first really when you consider that it also involves the admin each time) are the drunks and thugs who cause themselves and others harm. The last time I used a&e for what was a pretty serious incident I watched as police officer after police officer brought in people in handcuffs. I would say there were possibly 5 brought in during the 6 hours I was in A&E and HDU. Each one appeared to be fast tracked presumably for the safety of everyone else and to try to free up police officers who were all also tied up. Then there were another 2 brought in with what looked and sounded (I'm nosey) to be broken from fighting, another with general fighting injuries and a guy who was brought in because he had fallen over while drunk. The problem is I've no idea how to reduce those kind of visits
When you go to a and e you tell them your problem upon arrival and the most serious problems take priority. Toothache as painful as it is isnt a accident nor a emergency, I can only imagine the sort of people they were dealing with at that time in the morning on a weekend even if they weren't in the waiting room. I cant understand going to hull but ove never had that problem when I have rang nhs 111 with tooth pain.
that's my argument, no dentist available except in hull? i suppose sat in barnsley a&e at 2am on a sunday, then monday morning is an awful long way to go, thankfully she's feeling better and i don't need to visit a&e with earache now ;-)
NHS, giv em all a gold medal, the skill, care and dedication they give is inspirational, i'm sorry to hear abart your lass's case Korky, and i hope shell be better soon. The NHS is in my opinion the Country's last Treasure, and i hope it continues for yrs to cum. For all the people that Work, Help and Support the NHS, WELL FOOOOKIN DONE. COYR x
my moan isn't against the hands on staff, it's about the pillocks running the service, cut this cut that, yes it's only a minor ailment, but bloody painful, just nice to to see where our taxes are spent, sod south yorkshire!
You’re right they do prioritise, I was agreeing with poster saying just cos waiting room for A&E is empty doesn’t mean there not stuff going on.
But the out of hours dr could prescribe antibiotics/ painkillers on Sunday. Usually a dentist wont do anything until the infection has cleared. She should be able to see her own dentist as an emergency tomorrow. As I said I hope she feels better soon.
Whereas my wife(community nurse) stayed over for 3 hours last week in her own time to stay with a dying lady until a member of family turned up as she couldn’t bear to see her die alone. Perceptions eh
I think this thread is an absolutely brilliant example of what’s ‘wrong’ with the NHS. Someone turns up at A&E who absolutely shouldn’t be there and complains about all the other ‘time wasters’ and that the service is stretched.