Couldn't even get a meat and taty pie at half time fo mi tea having come straight from work. Cant get a red and white scarf from the club shop cos they’ve no stock and no idea, 50 mile round trip to see men against boys play out one of the worst performances I’ve seen at Oakwell on the night we commemorate PC thank-you Chien et al for fk all. Hope its warm fo thi in the counting house. Tw@t.
I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular here....but I do remember a few people who wanted rid of Cryne and replaced by foreign owners.
You weren't posting that, nor was anyone else in the last few weeks when results were better. Have a word. All of a sudden, we are turned over badly (horrific it was) and the club is run by charlatans. Soft.
No, yours is. He makes a valid point, a point others share. Yours is sh*t. Because it's backed up by nothing. As usual.
As soon as we start to challange a few points the old "at least we arent bury, we are lucky to have a club "etc comments are made. As dalestyke states is that really an intellegent argument or expectation for our club?
When we have stopped up at the end of the season it will be time to take stock and address a few mistakes such as letting pinnock go. I will point out though that there were a large number of people that post on here that were happy with the players rolling in in the summer. It was never going to be the case that all the signings would work, neither was it foreseen that daniel(brilliant job last year that I will always applaud the bloke for) would be so far out of his depth this year and give us such an uphill struggle. Going back a few years with Johnson and hecky we were building an excellent reputation for looking after top quality loan players from some of the biggest clubs in England. This was seen primarily by a lot of our fans as daft to develop other clubs players for them, a thought later taken on by our owners. Before that, we took on a load of garbage old “experienced” has beens. This was ridiculed by a large section of our supporters, a thought later taken on by our owners. We’ve also fallen foul of not having our players on contracts tying them to the club for longer, a situation addressed by our owners. There’s a pattern here whereby the supporters ideas aren’t too dissimilar to what the owners end up doing. The problem in the situation we currently find ourselves in is that we didn’t play hardball with the only player we’ve missed in pinnock who also turned down the best contract offered in the clubs history.
We also keep getting quoted this absolutely cringeworthy statement of " if we were to spend £100 million"...we cant afford it etc............arrrrgggghhhhhh.
Don't think Struber has actually been any better than Stendel. The only difference is that Chaplin has found his scoring boots and Clark Odour has been covering up Mads Andersen's inability to defend by stopping almost every ball from going into the box from Andersen's side. Other than that we are the same. A team who can attack well in general but can't defend when the ball goes anywhere near our centre backs.
Yes I was. I've been critical of our owners for some time now. Recently I've kept my powder dry and given them the opportunity to rectify their monumental summer f*** up. Its clear to see where the problems are but we need those in charge to admit their mistakes and do something about it. It's now the 22nd January and I'm seeing nothing to give me any hope that they are watching the same games that we are watching.
Why was it? He asked what is the point of our club. My point is it's better to have a club to support than nothing at all. Is.that so.bad?
This isa great post. You’re basically right, aside from on us staying up (unfortunately I think we’ll drop!). Selling Pinnock was so obviously a mistake at the time though - it’s exactly the same as with Marc Roberts a couple of years ago. Getting relegated will cost way more than the 3 million fee, plus Bambo and co would’ve had a chance at succeeding and would’ve been worth more too. Selling Pinnock killed us, and every fan knew it. Ridiculous decision.
Sorry, sounded more aggressive than intended. I believe we should aspire to more than just not going under.
Of course we should. We should also remain level headed. One very bad result/performance and we go into meltdown.