Well done! As you are probably aware, it was a figure of speech - just as a cloudless morning 'promises' a sunny day. Let's go with "it was his stated aim for the club". And it still doesn't look like coming to pass. In fact I think the club's policies actively work against Championship stability.
These are matters reported in the annual financial statements. There have been only one set published since they took over but there were no dividends of directors remuneration in those. The next will be published in early March and although they will have less detail than the previous accounts (we will be a small company for those) these things will still be reported.
I will reserve judgement until I have seen him live, but from his highlights reel, he seems to like a slide tackle. And you?
My reaction is, on the whole positive. I welcome the fact that at 29, and with 270 appearances for Wolfsberger AC, he represents a player with more experience and is a departure from rigid adherence to our transfer policies. My slight question mark is: what is the level of the Austrian league? If it should transpire that he finds the Championship quicker, I could foresee him getting into some trouble with the style of play demonstrated on the video clips. Hopefully however he will be up to the job, and will help organise the other defenders who have potential, but not as yet streetwise credentials. As you say, we will know more when we see him play.
I have similar worries about his lack of experience in England because of the problems that Ludewig and Ritzmaier are having with the physicality of the Championship. As you say, time will tell.
I think we have to trust Struber on this.If he thinks there good enough fair enough. My view as always is get it right you get plaudits and a pay rise.Get it wrong you get berated and the sack.