Newscaster Alastair Stewart has stepped down after a forty year career in journalism after a black Twitter user claimed that Stewart called him an angry ape.
I'd have thought twitter would be one medium where you wouldnt necessarily know a persons skin colour?
Was a ridiculous thing to do and not condoning it in any way at all. Part of me thinks it is sad though that someone's career after 40 years ends on a low note like that, self inflicted or not. Must be horrible and hard to come to terms with how stupid he has been.
Last night I watched a documentary on BBC2 about the Belsen death camp during the holocaust and what those who lived through it had to endure. I am now reading about someone's feelings being hurt. For the record.I do not see how Mr Stewart was being deliberately racist.
From what I have seen he has chosen a quote with an angry ape reference and then when called out on it rather than clarify his intentions hes merely put an angelic emoji. May have thought it wasn't deliberate if he had explained his reasons but he has clearly opted not to, which suggests to me it was the error of judgment he has stated.