I voted leave but I thought that the way the Brexit Party MEPs conducted themselves yesterday was childish and frankly a little embarrassing. They didn't need to do it; the argument was won, they should have just said their goodbyes and left with dignity.
Out of order. I know people who voted for The Brexit Party and they are as far away from being ***** as its possible to be. Argue politics, disagree and debate all you want but when you deride and insult an entire group of people just because they have a different political view or different view of the world to you it says more about you than it does about them.
Nothing to do with political view. Farage and his party go against everything that make us British. And the reason those that vote for Farage’s Fascists are a discrace to the country is because voting for a party with no policies, no plan, no manifesto goes against everything that makes us a democracy.
In your opinion but others, lots of others don't agree. That doesn't make them wrong nor does it make them ****s. Politics is about different opinions; having a different opinion doesn't make you any better (or worse) than anyone else.
Not so much different with the Brexit MEPs waving the Union Flag against the other members of the Parliament, wearing scarves donned with the European and union flags singing away... Hypocrites. Roll on 11pm
So you condone it as well then. You must be very proud. The Sheffield Lib Dem approach put it to shame.