Yes like we did in September.If Struber is looking at an out of contract player I'm hoping he's one thats just been released so fit enough to join the squad immediately. Looking back though to September you would have thought that a coaching staff could have got an out of player fit within a month at the latest don't you think.Loads have clubs can get some real bargains this way but you're better off getting them in September instead of February.
Depends how long they've been out of the game.If a players available who's just been released its a no brainer .
The last financial statement for 'Oakwell Community Assets Limited' shows the company having only two directors Cllr A. Gardiner & Mr. T. Cheetham and a company secretary Mr. A.C. Frosdick.
Exactly, no mention of others so who owns Patrick’s share? If you go to significant control it shows the council as owning upto 50%. Meaning someone else owns the rest. Therefor I made the conclusion that either Patrick’s family or the Investors own the other share.
I suppose its possible but I'd think most players that are not under contract haven't played in a while so getting them match fit this season would be a challenge.