Available on Football Heaven site.Doesn't duck any issues.Refers to the Summer window,the January window and future windows.I liked his stance regarding last week on deadline day by not bringing players in basically for the sake of it.Worth a listen.
Also Jacob Browns interview. Sounds like a very impressive young lad. How anybody can want anything but the best for the lad is beyond me.
Who doesnt want the best for him?? Some people may differ in their assessment of his ability but i dont think anyone wants him to fail. I think he's a great prospect, one of the few shining lights from a grim season.
He must get some crosses in as his "assist" stats are pretty good. If he could get his scoring stats up he would be a great player.
In a nut shell I think Struber is saying that mistakes have been made by the club regarding transfers and it can't happen again in the future.Good points and lots of truth in what he says.No hiding behind anybody just saying it as it is.
Mistakes were made in January, mistakes were made in the summer window, if jacob brown didnt step up so well last season selling potts would have been a bigger mistake.. there consistent I'll give them that.
No problem with his assists abilities at all. Up there with best in the league. It’s his finishing that let’s him down at present. If he could improve on that he’s potential to be a top player.
To be honest I think some panic buy centre backs would be better than the nobody we have now. Certainly couldn't be any worse
That's the problem isn't it. We aren't learning. I know these owners weren't here the last time we cocked the summer window up but they took over that Midseason so saw the outcome of it. We have gone into this season and done exactly the same thing.
Bringing in defenders didn't need to be a case of bringing someone in for the sake of it. I get what he means but its scant consolation at this stage.
I want to know just how bad ALL the contracted centre backs in England are if bringing in one was 'for the sake of it' but scrambling around afterwards trying to find an out of contract defender is essential.
Considering we have spent loads on luke Thomas who’s been ***** by comparison haven’t got a bad word to say about Brown.
If he could do that he wouldn't be here right now. He's young and its definitely a skill that can improve with time and experience.
Struber says he's prepared to be patient before bringing the right player in, but unfortunately time is not on our side. https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/spo...ive-option-insists-gerhard-struber-1-10243515