*Matt if you’re reading this, this is not a criticism, just an observation* Why do they not give them a TV screen with the iFollow replays on? Wouldn’t be difficult to do in the slightest and would add so much to the service, particularly for those listening but not watching.
Ive often wondered that we get the replays watching the stream on iFollow video but the commentary team don't get the video its really strange
It's frustrating when you hear them debating whether or not something took a deflection while we're watching a replay of a clear deflection.
I appreciate what you're saying pal, but I'm a RADIO commentator not a TV commentator and very few of us have the luxury of a monitor so get just the one real time high tempo look at an incident and have to make an instant call. I'd prefer to do tv style comms from a gantry with monitors and replays rather than have my comms dubbed onto a camera feed, but I'm not in charge - so if I call it wrong then my words are criticised, unfortunately. It's not an easy job, talking non-stop for 90 odd mins and getting everything bang on the nail.
I couldn’t do it, I know that much. You do a very good job. I know it’s not your decision at all about TV/Camera/Replays. It’s just something I thought of while I was watching. I know most games are only available to watch for those abroad (or ‘abroad’ at least...) so most will be listening only. It’s just a very strange experience to be able to see more than the commentator. Much better than last season though when we could either watch or listen, but not both!