Sadly there will probably only be James Cryne there to protest to, they’d if he can be arsed to pop down to oakwell mind. Let’s hope these cretins are trying to sell up behind the scenes
I think the protest started last night, It felt like a JPT game. The stadium was empty. When the attendance got announced, all 17 of us in the ponty had a right chuckle.
No for two reasons 1) As highly unlikely it is we still have a very small chance of staying up and it would be unproductive towards the efforts on the pitch. 2) Protests won’t mean a thing to these guys it’s money that talks. What should happen is once it is clear we are down stop going and don’t buy the early bird tickets. In the meantime boycott purchasing anything from the ground on match days.
I think the most noticeable protest the supporters could do would be to not renew when the time comes. Lots still will though because of the social side to matchdays and because it's just what they've done for so many years. Not as many will renew, but a significant enough amount that the owners will feel justified in what they're doing. Its properly depressing.
I think that the small money from season tickets means nothing to them but large protests which shames them, gets media attention and kills their reputation will do them much more harm. They have tried buying so many clubs, if all clubs see fans protesting against them then nobody would sell to the clowns
It's too early to protest in my opinion. It would be a bit half-arsed at the minute and won't have much impact so needs to be done when there's a bit more anger from the fan base (which won't be far off).
I can’t see more than 6k renewing in the early bird period to be honest. I’ve been going for 46 years but am seriously considering not renewing this time around. These people are properly taking the p**s out of us. The silence is the worst thing to take for me. Can’t wait for their renewal pitch in a few weeks time....
I think the fan base is angry enough. About a third of season ticket holders stayed at home last night? I have never seen that before
I think they included the players, officials, coaching staff, police, stewards and general shoppers in the Alhambra. Certainly wasn't the number of supporters in the stadium.
I'm starting to get to the point where effort on this pitch is getting worse in my eyes. The owners can be blamed for bringing the players in I agree with that 100% but the times these players have made such Sunday league errors is ridiculous. If we don't buy the season tickets they'll still claim they've sold record numbers..
A protest would just be a complete embarrassment. What would you even be protesting about, the fact that mads has singlhandedly put us in the relegation mire or maybe you could protest against the board for Diaby failed drugs test? Everyone to a man, woman or child can see that selling pinnock was a mistake but why didn’t people protest at the time, likewise when we signed 3 centre half’s who all sounded like decent signings at the time? No good bleating now from the told you so brigade who were as quiet as mice when the signings were rolling in. Individual mistakes have crippled the season, I’m not talking about being out of position or a little slow to react but very very basic and catastrophic individual errors. As for the non renewal of season tickets, just don’t renew, the absence will not make any difference to anyone whatsoever. Enjoy the protests, a lot of us will be stood shaking our heads
On the basis that the Early Bird response saves money on the later price and (although I don`t like what is going on) I will be going next season why would`nt I get one?
If nobody went for the early bird season ticket it would be interesting to see their response because to be honest I'm not paying the same as this season to see that crap.All the bull that we will get and then when they have the money sell all our best players for naff all