Just watched this and wonder where the TV lot get their audience from, as a lifetime Labour voter I wanted to hear why we lost, what can we do about it and who of these 3 is capable of challenging Boris and co, I wanted to hear about schools, hospitals the roads, rail and infrastructure. also about jobs, industry plans, life after the EU and where the new battle ground would be...instead we got the Trans gender debate, would you get rid of the monarchy, Israel and finished with the rights of the Palestinian people...at one point even the contenders started to look annoyed.sorry if its just me but I heard nothing that would give me confidence that any of these will win next time. get back to basics and start with the Man/Woman in the street where you lost for the ist time ever, don't think the subjects discussed will be top of the list...
Agree with OP. The big questions were not asked, and that was down to Channel 4. It was a waste of time watching it
Leaders don’t have to be scrutinised anymore us accepting having Boris Johnson as PM proves it. The nations gone to pot.
We get what the powers give us, and pretend it was our choice. Unfortunately a lot of folk are easily bought/led
Personal opinion for what it's worth, if Rebecca Long Bailey is the rank and file Labour Party supporters greatest hope of returning them to power, forget it. She has no chance of ever being elevated to the role of Prime Minister.
Have to agree with you mate. I'm fairly left in my views, but the party must pick a leader that can come over well to the media. Elections sadly are as much personality contests as anything else. I won't be voting for Long Bailey, as she has a very monotone delivery & I can't see her winning an election. Would be happy with Starmer or Nandy, both look better bets to me. I put my head in my hands when I heard about the trans debate. I didn't bother with the C4 programme, but it does illustrate that the true nettles need grabbing, if labour is ever going to win another election.
I think the tv debates are pretty awful tbh, and certainly when it's an internal party election... those policies and questions that need to be put forward or answered should be detailed....in writing and delivered to the membership through internal meetings and forums. All parties have differing views and arguments within them...I see no point in pulling each other apart and airing your dirty washing in public just to suit a broadcaster. I didn't see last night's show ( for thats all it is from C4's point of view)but having seen how the candidates pull each other to pieces in the US ones I wouldn't have anything to do with it.
Sorry to say it Brush but the Greens are like Labour the media is all one-way traffic all more or less rightwing orientated take these 5 billionaires, Richard Desmond, Jonathan Harmsworth, David Barcley, Fred Barcley and Rupert Murdock they own 80% of the U.K. media and no matter what anyone says they do influence the Elections of this country and yet their companies are registered abroad and pay no U.K. tax which is why they back the Torys.
I think what you mean to say is that The Green Party suffers in the media in the same way as Labour, no reason not to vote for them though.
The media's portrayal of the Labour Party Membership is about as accurate as everything else they print. Half a million people all lumped together without any understanding of who they are or what they want.
Never said don't vote for them. Just saying like these 5 billionaires are the poppet masters of Johnson.
Labour won three elections when Blair and Brown maintained a good relationship with Murdoch, which kinda supports your point, I guess.
Exactly that, I dont think he as to worry about the opposition tbh, like I said, much of the same imo, he as to keep to is word, which seems a sticking point for members of all parties
The 3 options. Rebecca Long Bailey - will keep Labour where it is now. That is to say - unelectable. keir Starmer - will improve the position of the Labour Party slightly. Lisa Nandy - is the only hope Labour has got of overturning the Conservative majority. She speaks plain English. Fabulous communicator and comes at policies in a different direction that may antagonise some of the left leaning Labour membership - but will delight the electorate.
As Labour supporter, I totally agree. At the moment they need to fk politics and go for charisma / be charismatic. Without that, they've got no chance.
Lisa Nandy is very popular with certain parts of the electorate. She has only been in politics for around ten years. A major thing against her as far as the Southern blue rinse brigade are concerned, is that like Jeremy Corbyn she is a nationalist and would like to scrap the Monarchy. That would not go down well with the majority of the British electorate. https://news.sky.com/story/labour-l...e-would-vote-to-abolish-the-monarchy-11936864