A vote for anyone other than the 1st or 2nd most likely to win in your area is a vote for the party you are most against in the top 2.
I expect that Starmer will win. We had our Constituency vote last week. 56 turned out from a membership of c. 300 . Single transferable vote: First round RLB 27 KS 17 LN 11 ET 1 Round 3 RLB 28 KS 28 A cliff hanger, chair had to refer to North West area for a ruling. We are in a minority of CLP’s voting for RLB most have gone for KS. surprising how many folks pay their dues but don’t even turn out to vote for their leader. Of course they will get to vote now that it’s going to individual members. for what it’s worth all 3 (now) would be good leaders certainly get my support come election time.
Whichever one wins (KS for me by the way)they must get the media onside. We’ve seen already and highlighted in this thread too people’s opinions are none of them can beat boris Johnson. That’s without hearing anything from anyone let alone a policy manifesto! change the media and change social media. KS can do that.
Hi mate being a Nationalist does not mean being opposed to the royal family. Johnson is a Nationalist. Being a republican does. I'm personally not against us keeping some of the Royal Family, but it does need massive reform, as some of the younger royals seem to recognise.
Power is in the hands of the Tories for 5 years. What sort of country is left for a lot of folks one can only imagine. It is less about policies & more about personalities. You may as well send Boris & whoever off to Love Island for a week, although we know the multiple philanderer would win that too. Any ideas?
Unfortunately it seems the British public love to vote for crass things beginning with B. Hence Mrs Brown's Boys wins Best Comedy awards, we have an Antarctic research vessel called Boaty McBoatface and Boris is leading us into Brexit. I think on that basis, I reckon Bertie Bassett should stand as Labour leader.
I agree with this 1000%. Doesn't change the facts though. A vote for the greens is a vote for the Tories anywhere except Brighton
The problem with many of the Labour supporters on this thread that they believe if they are in the majority then they are right , but if they are in the minority then the majority are wrong.
In many constituencies Tory voters would regard a Green vote as a vote for Labour. It just depends which side you're looking from. Just because the voting system is "the way it is" it doesn't mean we should all just accept it. It is out of date for a modern democracy and the first priority for any government that truly believes in representing the people should be electoral reform. It will never happen though because they (Labour, Tory etc) are not interested in truly representing the people.
I don't think any of the candidates will be Prime Minister, with such a huge majority Labour could be in the Wilderness for at least another 10 years
I think how well the Brexit thing goes could have a massive impact. Boris now "owns" Brexit & if things go very badly he will be held to account, if things go OK you are probably right.
Most green voters will favour Labour over the Tories though. That's my point. If your voting preference is Greens, Labour, Tories (ignoring other parties) a vote for Green is a vote for the Tories, because you're voting for a party that's never going to win, taking a vote away from your second choice. I don't know why you're lecturing me on electoral reform. I already said I agree with you on that. It's not about 'accepting it' it's about playing the system.
Can’t blame the political party’s for that as in 2011 the Lib Dem’s in coalition insisted on a referendum for the reformation of our first past the post voting system using the proportional representation system to vote on it and the electorate rejected it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-13297573
I agree with this but I don’t expect Johnson to OWN brexit - it’ll always be someone else to blame - eu, Corbyn, remainers, anyone but himself & he’ll be aided & abetted by the robber press barons. He seems to be determined to have a No Deal brexit, sorry, Australia Deal but will blame others even when he gets his wish!
A And this is my problem with modern day politics pal and why I’m so frustrated. Rather than someone grabbing the opportunity by the scruff of the neck and winning voters over on merit, the party that gets in relies on appearing the least *****. The country is crying out for someone to vote for to get these crapcakes out of number 10 but sadly and criminally there isn’t/wasn’t anyone.
there really was. im not saying the labour party were perfect but when the media and a few billionaires decide that it wasn't in their best interests they had no chance, allied to the shjtshow of brexit of course.
I don’t read the papers pal, I can’t recall the last time I bought one. I did however watch a fair few of the interviews and read the manifestos and for the most part sat shaking my head. For balance, I did the same every time I saw the dorm loving, albino wooden head on my tv