Good morning all, I was wondering if anyone knows of someone in the plumbing and heating industry that may be looking at getting an apprentice in the near future? Many thanks chris
Chris. I think the best way to find this information is to contact someone at your nearest College. They will have lists of employers who rely upon them for placements. There are also some specialist websites that list apprenticeship opportunities. When I worked, we used to receive a trade paper PHAM- Plumbing, Heating and Air movement. It carried articles from throughout the trade and in the classified pages there used to be several adverts for Plumbing apprenticeships. Another thing you might wish to consider, is calling in at B&Q , Screwfix and any other local merchants who stock Plumbing equipment and asking if they could hand your CV to any tradesmen who buy equipment from them. One of the leading Plumbers Merchants in the North is Cowen Barrett , 570 Chesterfield Road Sheffield S8 0ST. They are well worth contacting. Good luck. Hope you find something.
No problem Chris. Anything to help a fellow Red. Plumbing is a good trade to go into. You would never be short of work. The Council used to be a good way of getting a trade, but with the advent of Housing Associations, the opportunities that were previously there might not be so readily available now. Anyway good luck. Hope you find what you are looking for.
I really enjoy it, although its bad for your knees. Ive tried a few local plumbers but to no avail unfortunately. Yes thats the way my dad learned. Ill be applying to local housing associations such as berneslai homes, wakefield etc but a little worried as they only seem to take a couple on each year. Thanks again Donny red.