I can remember that Kendary did have that reputation when I was growing up in the 80's. Remember playing Oakes at football - never a game we looked forward to.
Don’t live there anymore, just hear what I hear from old school friends, family friends and family. Of course its all based on prejudice none of it is true
Not sure what excuse was for in 80's - as someone pointed out there were some pretty bad areas in Barnsley.
Rough areas most places I suppose. I think what caused it was when the council shut the old peoples home, forced the old uns into care in the community as it was called but then found the money to run the building as a centre for asylum seekers. Local women and girls getting tapped up by migrant men, shoplifting in the shops. Think it closed down a few years ago after a dispute between the council and the owner of the building. Then of course there’s been a large influx of a certain eastern european community causing the same issues for the locals as experienced in Sheffield. Same dismissive rhetoric from the authorities. It’s little wonder then that a sympathetic ear from a far right candidate gets the vote when people dont feel that theyre being listened to. Of course they only complain because those theyre complaining about are brown.
If we can ignore the usual glibness: The point of the question is that a ‘sympathetic ear’ whether it’s based on facts, evidence, prejudice or anything else is f all use. have those councillors actually achieved a change? Ignore the fact you think they’re OK and I think they’re fascists; what have they achieved? Does a sympathetic ear turn into a positive change for the indigenous population or is it just about a shared hatred?
Is the change that racists don't have to live under rocks anymore? They can crawl out and spew their ******** in public?
If we can ignore the usual habit of you putting words in my mouth (dont recall expressing an opinion about her either way) the point is that after 22 years the councillor for Monk Bretton has swapped from being a Labour one to a right wing one. Pause to wonder why. You seem to think that the population of that village have suddenly become racists. I think they've suffered fundamental changes for the worse as a result of the ruling labour partys actions and have voted accordingly. But it must be because they suddenly don't like brown people hey ?
They didn’t just choose ‘not labour’ they voted for a very right wing party. You do have a habit of cherry picking irrelevant facts that support your anti labour stance and ignoring the more important rise of far right extremism. ‘‘Twas ever thus
And if you have a habit of dismissing facts that you don’t wish to hear as you scramble to occupy the moral high ground ignoring the reasons that good people suddenly switch from traditionally voting labour to voting for right wing parties. Have they suddenly become racists in Monk Bretton ? I think not, has the village had enough, I think so. You’ll carry on dismissing folks concerns as racist, as in Rotherham, Rochdale, Huddersfield. We haven't interacted for a while but you’ve learned nothing, so entrenched are your views.
Do you really believe those racist views just appeared as a consequence of some recent newspapers? That ‘traditional labour voters’ were never racist before? Because I don’t! when I started work in 1980 I was surrounded by working class labour voters, a fair proportion of whom were racist. Through the 90’s and beyond their views might have become abhorrent to many, and lots of them would no longer voice those opinions. But now they feel it’s safe to do it again. And now they are honest about that racism, they can admit that Labour no longer represents their views. That’s fine by me; I don’t want to be voting for the same party as the racists.
"And if you have a habit of dismissing facts...." Sorry, I can't carry on reading for pissing myself laughing.
There are many reasons why folk object to mass immigration Donny, it's not exclusively racism, but people like you are quick to dismiss the concerns of 'the many' as just that. As a result people turn to those who will listen, rather than those who seek to stifle their voices with isms.
That’s how Hitler got elected! It doesn’t make it right. if I was the only person left in the country who wasn’t racist, I wouldn’t feel the need to join in. You don’t seem to have grasped the counterpoint here; all we’re saying is it’s not OK to be racist, you’re arguing it’s OK to be racist cos plenty of people are doing it.
Who said it's ok to be racist, words in my mouth again. Why do you think it's ok to condemn people as racist just because they don;t support mass immigration ?