Whoa.... I’m feeling a bit ‘got at’ here. ‘I’m an immigrant. Born in Barnsley but of Irish descent. I was born in Grimey and grew up in the 70s and, reading between the lines, I think the Village is being described as a ‘**** hole’. How very dare you! Oh and I come from a Mining family and lived through through the strike and know only two well if it wasn’t for the (humbling) support of those ‘darkies’ from South Africa and those ‘damned Eastern Europeans’ the Miners would have been starved back to work in 6 months. Those ex miners who went through the strike who are now voting for extremist right wing parties (No Trickster, I don’t include the Tories in that) should hang their heads in shame.
Well I’m off to bed chaps, up at half five for work, someone has to support the economically inactive
My parents have lived in Monk Bretton all their lives. The description given isn't in anyway accurate and is nothing more than scaremongering xenophobia. Monk Bretton does have issues with drug dealing and drug taking. I've seen first hand very young white British lads riding scooters dealing drugs. This is no different to anywhere else in Barnsley or the country. This is what happens when you cut local social support and neighbourhood policing.
I haven't Marc, just highlighted the concerns of folk from my old village I still speak to from time to time, did I mention rapists ? No. Did I mention local women and girls being pestered by ‘asylum seekers’ yes. Do the likes of Donny label those bringing the issue to the table as racists ? Yes. Is this attitude exactly what happened to the poor bairns in Rotherham ? Yes.
So someone who retired at 40 and is living in a Mansion in the Cotswolds would be happy to swap places with you? Of course
There are many excuses people use that are paper thin, but give them long enough and the racism comes to the surface. At dinner parties, afternoons in the pub, and posts about shopkeepers on the BBS
are they economically inactive tho? I would imagine ,given the lifestyle you've just portrayed,that these people would be paying taxes on pensions/savings and investments and large amounts of VAT on their range rovers and other high end products, so hardly economically inactive.
Must be right then,just out of interest do you personally think these people are economically inactive?, because I dont .
That's because you're using your own interpretation of a phrase that has an official government definition, which is: All people of working age who aren't in employment. The gov't counts 8.5m of them - if you choose to interpret the phrase differently, you'll need to do your own count Almost no one is truly 'economically inactive' in the true sense of the words - if you rely on benefits, you still buy things, pay rent and spend your money within the local economy. To be economically inactive in the true sense would be to live 'off grid'.
I've been struggling with the effects of immigration from Eastern Europe. A few months ago I instructed a couple of Polish lads to do my new bathroom. They turned up bang on time, did an excellent job (including work over and above what they initially quoted) and didn't try to charge a penny more than they quoted. I was disgusted. I wanted the proper British experience of a tradesmen turning up 3 days late and hungover, demanding half up front for materials before disappearing again for a week, delaying the whole thing because his dad/uncle/grandma's dog dies several times during the job, refusing to work unless he has a constant supply of tea with 4 sugars, and then trying to up the quote by 25% at the end. I can't wait until Brexit starts to bite and I can go back to being ripped off by someone with a normal accent.
A few racial stereotypes in there.....which my plasterer friend from monk bretton who worked like a dog last week and returned the "drink" I overpaid him in his pay might take issue with. Imagine the "shameful" comments that would get thrown around when the converse stereotypes get thrown in. Can't make it up.
I obviously missed the joke in amongst you saying one race was better than another. But I forget - it's never racist as long as it's the English that are ****.
Are you really saying it's racist for me to make derogatory comments about my own majority race, and you consider it as bad as if I made derogatory comments about a minority race?