You pay to park - so you can go in the cafe and pay to have a bun and a cuppa. That’s wrong. How many Costa’s etc do you know that does that ???
I think you're mistaking a sculpture park for a coffee shop. Easy mistake to make I guess, I went to Yorkshire wildlife park last year and was shocked to find that my barista was a polar bear.
Yes - I’m very much not surprised at your confused state. Point being people don’t want to pay £5 for parking to buy a cuppa at £2.50 - total for a cuppa £7.50. Does see ??? Obviously I’m going to have to spell things out to thi here - the charge should be to get onto the sculpture park through the cafe - it shouldn’t be for parking. And I’ll continue here to spell it out for thi - because if you charge to park to go into the cafe then the takings in the cafe drop through the floor. Nar does tha see? I can meet thi up there and walk thi through it if it’s still not registering and tha still confused.
The Sculpture park isn't a cafe, the cafe just happens to be part of the facilities. People tend to go there for the sculptures not the cafe.
You can always park on Top Lane off Denby Dale Road and enjoy the walk through the woods (and the view of Emley Moor) for free.
You’re again mistaking a sculpture park for a coffee shop. They’re not there to sell coffee. Clearly they want to make entry free to the park.
Go tell them they are not there to make money in the cafe. See what they say. And secondly - when you do ask them that just take note of the strange look they give you.
I know it’s not what the OP was talking about, but the high cost of the parking there puts me off going, it’s scandalous the amount they charge. I would happily go regularly (as it’s a great walk) and eat in the cafe to put some money in the coffers - if they refunded the parking charge with purchases from the cafe/shop. As it is they get nothing from me, if they did refund or part refund the parking I would go fairly regularly and have lunch in the cafe whilst there, but I’m not paying £25 in the cafe plus £7-8 on parking.
Obviously the cafe are there to make money selling coffee you absolute nutter. The point is that the sculpture park is not there to make money selling coffee. Just for the avoidance of doubt:
Unless you have reduced mobility that's a nice walk. For any person with a disability, it's a bit of a hike from the car park to the cafe and sculpture park itself.
You really are an absolute cap end aren’t you? I got charged a fortune to park in Cambridge City centre the other week. I was outraged when I wasn’t refunded in Costa whilst I was there, as Cambridge city centre serves only as somewhere to get a coffee.
Thanks for the replies - the YSP is a brilliant place and the £80 annual parking charge is reasonable (expensive place if you have to pay each time.) (Not sure about parking on Top Lane off Denby Dale Road - gets very busy at weekends - and not everyone there is going to the YSP...…!) What I queried was why after buying a lithograph at the YSP and paying cash (no extras) I was asked to pay an extra £5 when buying a parking permit. (and YN if you want to respond try NOT to mention 'coffee.')
Why should I bother trying to debate with fooking simpletons like this fooker !?!?! Foooking herd of brain dead b@stards !!!
Which of the following is true? A/. Yorkshire sculpture park is a sculpture park that has a cafe on site? B/. Yorkshire sculpture park is a cafe that has a sculpture park on site?