More recently, Nananana na Cauley Woodrow. Cant make out the words to the new alternative. Preferred the old one personally.
There's a chant I heard at Fulham, one line goes..." and you soft Southern ********." Need to know the rest so I can join in at Reading.
Never knew the words but there was a song sung away which started ‘we’ve won in ...(various places, Merseyside, Lancashire maybe etc), then went on about rather being on the Ponty End (where it is magnifique possibly?). Anyone remember that and know how it went?
It's sung every home game too this. Not sure the words after the ponty end bit are appropriate for this site though.
Forever and ever we'll follow our team, we're Barnsley F.C we are supreme. We'll never be ********, like you, like you soft southern ********.
Yes that's the one. I'll go for MrsHallsToffeeeRolls slight change, "we'll never be mastered, like you....etc etc. Thanks SD for the words.