Why are you making this a sexist, racist, against issue.? Two reasons I can think of: He's a respected scientist who has devoted a lifetime to the study of nature and was telling us about this before it became fashionable He's also trying to tell it like it is, pure facts, rather than spouting vitriol at one section of society.
2020 20 odd cases of this "Virus".... 2012 almost 30,000 peeps died from pneumonia in the UK I can't remember no panic then... Why now??
Because this is a new virus that there isn't a vaccine for. One that once the control measures fail (and they will) will spread rapidly. Why are you so dead set against reducing climate change and also denying that this virus could very well be serious? I see a lot to gain from trying to save the planet, I see a lot to gain from trying to slow the spread of this virus. I see no benefits of refusing to do all we can to stop both. What am I missing?
The usual suspects spouting the usual "i'm alright jack" right wing drivel. Absolutely beneath contempt the lot of you.
You are totally missing the point of my thread. Climate change is an existential crisis. Is she going about it the right way? She has engaged in a blame game against a section of society and encourages dissent against it. They may well be to blame but she apparently engages in the same credo of consumerism that got us here and those two factors detract from the message, not for me but will do for others. The debate is about her and the antics of her acolytes rather than the real issue. In that sense she's failed
Have a word with yourself..... We're all gonna die, Climate change. Innit. 200 billion years ....cos we use a bit of plastic and Lynx (not African, obv,) last 10 years , BOOM. You couldn't make this up..... ....ohhh wait
As I said in my original post, in which you've spectacularly missed the point in your foot stamping, how is she the bad guy? How on earth is a 17 year old girl who campaigns for Climate Change doing anything wrong. It's staggering. And PSV Weirdo, or whatever his name is, is possibly the worst poster on here.
I agree to an extent. I've seen pictures of her using a scary amount of single use packaging for food. More than I use and I'm not an activist. But I don't think she is to blame for the debate being about her. I think that's a deliberate form of attack from those who stand to lose out if changes are made. If they weren't focusing on her face, her parents, her disability or what she had for dinner they'd be focusing on the clothes a 25 year old woman from Australia wears, what car she drives etc. Those things are debated about because it's a targeted attack to deflect the attention and discredit those who speak out against them
Mate, just be a cool Fonzie. Judging by the level of quite passionate response, this was a good debate to start and no foot stamping from me, just an opinion, just like yours is. If we chanced to meet we'd find more united us: our club, presume some connection to our town and a desire to watch Leeds United promotion charge inexplicably unravel.
Please don’t try swimming with an iPhone, or getting it wet... it isn’t guaranteed, will likely break and apple will just point at the small print. I know, it happened to mine and I didn’t even swim. I got it splashed at a theme park, it steamed up... then stopped. I took it to apple, who could only tell me that they didn’t cover water damage and I had to buy a reconditioned one.
Their small print isn't really that important as it doesn't trump your statutory rights which state a product must be as described. If it claims to be waterproof but isn't then it isn't as described
I never tried swimming with an iPhone, but I’ve accidentally dropped one in water and it was fine. On the other side, I’ve been swimming with my Apple Watch every day for over a year (both the series 4 and then the series 5 when it came out) and they’ve never even shown signs of breaking