Laughing my tits off at "follow the money". As if all the cash is on the side of environmentalism rather than oil. You utter cretin.
No it isn't. The rate of change since the industrial revolution is way off from what has occurred before.
Oh dear ! You missed the point again due to reading what you think I wrote rather than what I did . Thunberg's message re climate change is essentially accurate. However I don't see how that is in any way comparable with the emancipation of women. As analogies go that is probably the most laughable I have seen for some time. Suffragettes protested but that protesting had a clear logical objective with a simple solution i.e. give woment the vote. Thunberg is all 'heat and no light'. She just protests with absolutely no strategy or workable solution Worse still she has chosen to rabble rouse and whip up the youth against the older generations blaming them entirely for what is happening. Sadly, her acolytes include older people and media 'virtue seekers apparently including yourself and a number on here. Many critics on here, including myself do not do so because of her age or sex but simply because of her divisive methods. She antagonises the very people she needs on board to come up with a strategy and solutions to resolve the complex problems. As regards the post asking why Attenborough does not come in for the same criticism as Thuinberg. Simple. He has a wealth of life experience on the subject, having seen first hand the destruction of natural habitats and its effects on the environment, probably more than any scientist or environmentalist on the planet and is therefore qualified to comment. Nor does he target specific generations and become hysterical but gives a clear concise and factual statement regarding the situation we are in. Still if you want to play the 'You are old therefore are wrong, biased and stupid card' then carry on.
How do you arrive at that conclusion? What evidence is there to show "right wing, brexit supporters" are all climate change deniers. Even that moniker is inaccurate since many Socialists (or Labour voters at least voted for Brexit. You are very irrational at times
So basically, you disagree with her methods, and any older people who disagree with you are ‘virtue signallers’ whereas those who agree with you are superior. Bravo; your argument is as pointless as you claim hers to be.
Of course I disagree with her methods since IMO they are irrational and illogical. Vitue signalling is often exhibited by some on here yourslef included. One can also be right on certain issues without being superior! So why is my argument pointless? Tell me what statement I made is incorrect and why? IMO she is Divisive... Rabble rousing... No clear solutions.... Not qualified or experienced to make informed decisions as to how to provide solutions( has she actually read scientific papers, visited hotspots and problem regions prior to starting all this or just read them in Tabloids and media i.e. 2nd hand.) Again tell me why my opinion of her is wrong. .
There were a small number of ‘socialists’ who wanted to leave the EU because they saw it as a neo liberal promoting organisation, and they wanted to close our links with the rest of the world and pretend its 1955 again. The vast majority of former labour voters who voted leave did so for reasons that can’t be aligned with ‘socialism’. Many working class people traditionally voted labour out of selfishness, Socialism’s support for the ‘powerless’ was about defending their rights, not the rights of all humans (no matter what their race or gender).
I DID say "....Socialists (OR Labour voters...." This is off topic and you still haven't explained why my opinions on Thunberg are incorrect or how that somehow implies I think I am superior .
Well firstly anyone resorting to the term ‘virtue signalling’ loses my respect instantly, it’s just lazy stereotyping (particularly when they spell it wrong). Secondly, you’re not criticising Greta’s methods, you’re cherry picking bits you can easily justify criticising. Which is where the ‘virtue signallers’ get upset, because they make the assumption that you’re doing that to mask the reality (that it’s based on her age / gender). My view is that you disapprove of her because your world view is coloured by a right wing media bias. You’re intelligent enough to know we have to do ‘something’ about climate change. But that’s countered by a media that’s ‘anti Greta’ - leaving you just ‘whinging’ about the behaviour of a child.
here’s me thinking you had me on ignore. Oh the joy. I read things, I listen. just using here as a snapshot to the world tells me that. Just have a look who likes the posts calling her out...... It’s not rocket science or a great in depth study but it’s pretty obvious. My Facebook feed which has many military personnel on, who in the main are right wing, brexit supporters by the way seem very agitated about her. Agitated enough to be very very irrational about a young lass trying to do something good. it’s almost bizarre. Oh and thanks for calling me irrational. From someone who is an immigrant but doesn’t like immigrants it’s almost an honor. Keep on keeping on.
David Attenborough says the effect of climate change is devastating our planet, all man made by the way. OK, switch over to Corrie now.....David Attenborough now forgotten Greta Thunberg says the effect of climate change is devastating our planet, all man made by the way. Hot debate rages around her and her message, evidenced by this thread. She isn't offering scientific solutions and has not tried to do so, she is raising awareness and sparking the debate in a blaze of publicity. Something Sir David, despite our universal admiration for him, cannot do. I salute her courage, she doesn't have the answers, governments and the polluting countries do
She's motivating lots of young kids to become aware of their environment, campaign and make changes. Odd that kids get vilified by the adults for being 'unmotivated, useless layabouts', yet when one actually gets off their backside the stick still flies. As for David Attenborough, well it appears he likes her and she was motivated by him. Not exactly in step with your narrative. Nothing to do with age, just attitude.
I realise why I had you on ignore.The last sentence shows what an irrational muppet you are since it is totally irrelevant, personal and incorrect. Where have I ever said I don't like immigrants? The very fact that people who are on the same side of the argument i.e.agree with the fact climate change is a major issue are so divided about Greta Thunberg proves my point. She is divisive. How you can extrapolate that the majority of critics are Right Wing Brexit supporters I have no idea given criticism come from many parts. Agitated'(your choice of word) is also a very subjective. I am not agitated by her I just don't think she will have the impact long term she believes or hopes for.
wow where to start. Of course you are agitated. You are agitated enough to reply here and stare an opinion, You obviously feel threatened by a girl, you can’t cope so you abuse her. Just like the many times we’ve seen you abuse immigrants on here. as I said in my initial post which you obviously failed to read, check here, check who writes and who likes the posts attacking her. Then see which side of the brexit divide they stood on. It’s not rocket science. Critical thinking seems to be quite hard..... it’s not hard however to see the similes in the way those criticizing her think, including you. just to avoid doubt and in case you wondered I think you are an incredibly odious individual who I’m really glad il never meet. A little englander. Please feel free to put me back on ignore, I’ve no idea why you felt the need to reply to me but please don’t again.
Words fail me! You are an utter utter cretin! How many time have I abused immigrants on here ... Please provide specific cases? You are incapable of having a civilised discussion without resorting to making stuff up As for calling someone you have never met (and hopefully never will) an "odious individual" I suggest you look in the mirror. Moron!!
So just to update this with the real 'follow the money' and who are the vested interests. An oil company has distributed cartoons depicting this teenager being sexually assaulted, then denied it, then apologised. Just so we all know morally whose side we're on.
You will notice that it’s water resistant that they claim, not water proof... as you aren’t able to prove you dropped it in a cup of water or the ocean, they do not accept water damage. And here is apples take on it...
Apple Watch is designed for swimming... iPhone not. I’m merely explaining the situation that happened with my iPhone 8.. marketed as water resistant, clearly not very...