I agree - but why is there so much concern about the corona virus -- testing/isolation closing centres/venues cancelling events etc when the 'traditional' flu is more dangerous - yet if someone is off sick from work with the 'traditional' flu everyone is expected to carry on as normal and hope they don't get it.
Because vulnerable people are vaccinated against flu. There is no vaccine against covid-19. The measures they're taking at the moment are not an attempt at containing and therefore eradicating the virus but an attempt at containing and slowing it's spread until a vaccine can be developed
Probably because there is already a flu vaccine to protect the most vulnerable. Until a vaccine has been created for this then we all have a duty to not pass it on to someone with a weakened immune system who it could kill, even if we personally would be ok.
See post 43... Re point 5 The masks that people are using are absolutely useless in the context of virus protection.
You are absolutely correct about dirt / bacteria and viral infections. Anti bacterials don't kill viruses. Nevertheless I treat the auto immune system like a standing army. If it never encounters any actual conflict it gets (metaphorically) fat and lazy and means it cannot even resist even minor skirmishes. Onbviously overwhelming it with a massive attack is far worse but keeping it lean and fighting fit with minor exposure to small amounts of bacteria on a regular basis. Antibodies re viruses need exposure to specific viruses before they can 'memorise' them for future attacks I firmly believe the marketing of anti bacterial products to the absurd level of even selling stuff to wash lettuce salads and vegetables where plain water will do the job adequately does nothing other than line the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. Peopel have become over obsessive with cleaning products many of which are unnecessary. Obviously taking reasonable precautions when it comes to hygiene, particularly for children elderly and people with illnesses or post operative is important but we seem to disregard that in normal circumstances the vast majority of us have an efficient fully functioning auto immune system.
Of course it helps to wear a good quality mask, but they're not absolutely useless. For instance if someone sneezes with a mask on, there's an obvious benefit than if they weren't wearing one - in the same way you'd want someone to sneeze into a tissue. Gels, foam or sprays with 90% alcohol level do kill viruses. Less than that and they're less effective, and suitable for bacteria only. Best way is a proper hand-wash with warm soapy water!
We flew into italy last weekend and we got thermal image scanned. Was fully expecting it coming back today given whats gone off but not a single check on our border control - just a tiny printed 2 sheets of a4 saying to call 111 etc if u get ill. Fully expecting a huge jump in cases over next 2 weeks now if that is the stance. 2 plane loads from what i saw coming from north italy region and if anyone brought it back could be all over the country in a few days.
tbh I kind of think these temperature checks are more a form of trying to reassure the public. It’s infectious before symptoms show so their checks could show nothing, someone is feeling off it but dismisses it and takes paracetamol nothing shows. They might grab the odd one but loads could pass through
Washing lettuce with just water will not rid it of ecoli if it is contaminated. Not that I'd advocate washing it with anything else either. Just don't buy it and don't eat it if it has been grown somewhere that has been linked to an outbreak. Not sure what you do to keep your immune system fighting fit by exposing yourself to bacteria on a regular basis. I wash my hands and my food and I would seriously recommend everyone else do that if they want to stay healthy.
You are absolutely right about Paracetamol but if someone has not experienced any symptoms or felt unwell then they would not necessarily have resorted to taking anything. If someone is feeling unwell then they should self isolate anyway or report for screening. There will always be selfish people who will try to avoid detection, or those that are simply unaware of the risks of infecting others and there is little you can do about that. Of course no mass filtering system is really that effective but even if it identifies a small number of potential carriers it helps. ******************** I am not for one minute suggesting people do not wash their hands or carry out normal hygiene precautions but excessive use of antibiotics, and removing any contact with day to day bacteria contact is not in the long term beneficial. This (and I know we are talking about 'good' bacteria here)... The human body contains trillions of microorganisms — outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. Because of their small size, however, microorganisms make up only about 1 to 3 percent of the body's mass (in a 200-pound adult, that's 2 to 6 pounds of bacteria), but play a vital role in human health. You are absolutely correct about lettuce, particularly Romaine (one of my favourites) and that is where we have to rely on the farmers and authorities to test the soil in which they are grown on a regular basis to ensure faecal matter is not present. Better still grow your own . Food prep surfaces are the biggest risk for me particularly ina warm kitchen often humid from cooking. I always use a stainless steel prep surface at home and that Napisan antiseptic spray (the one you don't need to rinse) All food is a risk but all I am saying is that living in a sterile bubble does increase the risk that the auto immune system is weakened and when exposed to bacteria is not as resilient as one that has over the years created antibodies to cope. Obviously vaccination is a good way to assist the AI system and that is. I know it can 'remember' some bacterial 'invaders' for longer than others (I believe Tetanus vaccines last 10 years before a top up is needed)
Interestingly, it was called Spanish Flu because that was the first country *not involved in WW1* where it had a significant outbreak (including the then King) - and wasn't subject to reporting restrictions. It is believed to have started in middle America and spread through the soldiers into Europe. There were at least two separate outbreaks of Spanish flu - the first was a 24 hour bug that was no more dangerous than any other flu. The second was a mutated form that (unusually) significantly affected younger, stronger people - their immune reaction triggered a cytokine storm which killed them - often within a matter of hours.
And now, No 10 has blocked the Department of Health from working with the EU to co-ordinate a response to COVID-19. Apparently working together would affect our negotiation targets! There is a significant risk that British people will die as a result of this decision.
How ******* ridiculous. Congratulations brexiteers. The only thing that's even slightly funny about this is that the demographic of brexiteers are the most likely to be at risk from this virus!
Where have you seen that. Not disputing it but could not find anything in the media about it.Seems nonsensical to do so
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politic...artment-health-locked-row-access-eu-pandemic/ It's not actually regarding COVID-19, but it's about future relationships.