The OP is clearly a contradiction in terminology, words like kebab and best should not be used together...ffs....where are the grammar police when you need them?
Will always remember going to the local chippy in Farnborough when I moved there for my first job and asking for a teacake with my fish n chips. Gave me some right stick and I felt a right pillock
No mate, it's just my mate says that's what his Bolton supporting mate says. Probably meant as an insult towards another club. Funny though.
Seems we’ve got more in common with Burnley than just a mix up with football teams name. They call tea cakes tea cakes n all
Never had a kebab, I’ve been pissed but not so bad I’d do that to my guts. I used to get sent for barm by my mum, she always baked bread, so soz I know it’s controversial but barm cakes for me.