There are a few people on this board who keep on insisting that there's no link at all between things like climate change denial, Brexit, nationalism, being anti-immigration, misogyny and racism. Maybe when they all post about one of the above they should keep an eye on who's liking their posts and wonder how true that is.
I wasn’t actually swimming deliberately with my iPhone, I slipped and ended up in the water while it was in my pocket..... then I was swimming....
If he feels that strongly he should probably publish a full paper, with citations, to be peer reviewed.
I find the criticism of Thunberg so bizarre. She’s doing an amazing job of raising awareness and keeping the environment in the conversation, and despite her age and hurdles to overcome. The movement she’s made by travelling around is worth more than the damage of the few flights she’s taken, I’m afraid. She isn’t the bad guy here.
Dont think holding a rally with thousands of kids which have just come back from abroad on holidays was wisest thing to do given current issues. also as it says in the article i linked why did the thames last freeze over in 1815 i think it was. That was a long time before any man made industrial revolution co2 and and motor vehicle pollution etc. We should tackle pollution and plastics etc but i think climate change is natural a d probably comes from our planets position to the sun. Look at the vast difference a few degrees tilt make with the seasons and daylight. who knows wha else is going in as we move through space.
Scientists do. And the overwhelming consensus is that humans are responsible for climate change rather than some unspecified sun thing.
I liked the way that the first child activist the BBC interviewed at the rally had a double barrel name and probably had a trust fund.
Yes yer right SD. Everyone who is concerned about climate change has a double barrelled name and a trust fund. That's a necessity for believing in the overwhelming opinion of experts across the world. Some of us without them will believe in any old b****cks.
I just thought it was ironic. It isn't the cause. I totally agree with that. It was that the first person the BBC managed to interview just happened to be my own personal interpretation of an activist.
Sometime around 200 years ago, they changed the flow of the Thames through London, so it now flows faster and is deeper than it was before that time. It is unlikely to ever freeze over again irrespective of temperature.
What does a double-barrelled surname make you these days? Posh? Or someone from a family where Mum and Dad are not together/ not married? Or someone who just wants to take on both names?
Let's face it, Trump (and other World Leaders) are getting away with dismissing evidence presented to them by experts. If Greta is generating this amount of awareness, how can it be bad? air temp and the old london bridge that use to get iced up and lower the flow and depth. Learn summat every day! lol
Personally I think there is an argument both ways. Yes greenhouse gasses etc are accelerating the damage, but it is still an inescapable fact that the earth has gone through many climate changes on its own previously. Our way of living certainly needs adjusting and the use of plastics are ridiculous. I also think there are people out there making a lot of money in the ‘green’ market. I have no problem with GT she is undoubtably doing a lot of good in raising awareness, I do find it annoying when folk go on about the number of kids backing her campaign at her rallies when said rallies are on a school day, think there would be a big difference if they were on a weekend.
coal is the cheapest form of heat/energy production,it is also the most reliable source. Contrary to the popular myth that in energy production terms it is a dinasour and filthy one at that,coal can be burned clean with zero emissions,Hatfield colliery under the stewardship of richard budge had been given planning permission for a carbon capture power plant,they had also secured government funding under the labour party,this was subseqently withdrawn by the tories. In a nutshell, carbon capture removes the CO2 and Oxides from the coal before it is used to fire a generator,the CO2 is then got rid of by returning it back underground in old mine and oil/gas workings ,it then provides power generation with zero emmisions. Coal as a domestic fuel went smokeless and with very little carbon emissions years ago,there really is no need to have to sit under clouds of ***** , Greta Thunberg and her army of environmentalists are actively trying to stop the opening of a new mine in Whitehaven,this mine will produce some of the highest calorific value coal on the planet,coal which will be de-carbonised and used solely in steel production,these environmentalists attack coal production in the way coal was used decades ago,they never ever get across to their army of supporters how coal is and could be used in the future. Its no coincidence that since the huge reduction in coal fired power generation we have all seen our energy bills rocket,even using carbon capture technology coal would still be the cheapest form of power generation,its beyond me how cutting forests down in the USA ,turning the trees into pellets then shipping it here to our docks then transporting it by train to the likes of Drax is more environentally friendly than burning coal,(thats under our feet),using carbon capture.