No equality here eh, not a fat bloke or ugly bird in sight. Thoughts? Insults not welcome, comment on topic or not at all.
It's like the adverts on tv for oversize women's clothes. My wife who is not sylphlike and I always comment that the women who are used as the models on those ads may be over normal size and weight but they are never ugly. Imagine if you replaced them with some Waynetta Slob. They'd never sell anything. And yet most women who'd want to buy clothes like that are not large supermodels. It's all in the perception.
Absolutely correct. They're there to sell the brand to males above the age of puberty pure and simple. They'd have the girls topless if they could get away with it. If you want actual sports journalism look elsewhere. And I'm not saying that women aren't capable of doing actual sports journalism either.
I can't imagine cracking one off over Jacqui Oatley with her big jaw or Sue Smith and her male mannerisms.
Agree Billy. A grand lass. Never knew she used to be married to Sam Matterface and had a child called Sawyer Matterface.!
You don't seem to have a pleasant attitude to certain groups of people. I wonder what causes you to have this outlook?