If it's the same case, old mate, then I believe someone at the pub admitted a few years later that it was all a hoax.
It may have been, mate, but I can't remember. When I was still working, a colleague was terrified of a particular building at the Stocksbridge steelworks and steadfastly refused to enter it. Although I don't believe in ghosts, there was no doubt the bloke's fear of the building was genuine. He claimed someone had whispered in his ear, yet he was the only person in this large warehouse.
It's odd how some things are unexplainable. Now I don't believe in ghosts but once at work there were two of us in the building. I was upstairs and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone walk past downstairs so turned to look go and and saw them from the back wall down a corridor. I knew where the other person was supposed to be which wasn't in that area at all so I ran downstairs and went to where he should be and he was still there (no way to get from his location to where I'd seen someone) so I told him that someone was inside. We both searched the building top to bottom but didn't find anyone. No idea what that was all about. Logically I don't think it was a ghost as I don't believe in them so the only explanation I have is that someone was that someone had been inside but somehow hidden or got out unnoticed.