I don’t think you can say that it’s failed, but I also don’t think you can say that it’s successful. Not got a clue, you've failed the Club the players and the Fans. And if we go down will you step down?
I don’t blame Dane one bit, I’ve been told he’s a great guy and a grafter. Unfortunately he’s been hung out to dry by these owners.
Us as fans never know whether Murphy, Ganaye, Mansford etc have done a good job or not as we don’t know the circumstances & conditions that they’re working under
Seems like there wasnt enough work put in re. the FA charge on James Macean? I am genuinely interested to know where the work has been put in? Just to make it clear I am not being sarcastic, just would like to know as it isnt apparent to us outsiders.
What would you like to know. Sure someone on here will be going Tuesday and get the chance to ask on your behalf. ( Unless your intending going)
Where’s this international investment they promised on purchase? Couldn’t elaborate on how much these ten bob billionaire owners had personally stumped up to help the club, just said they had, kept banging on about the initial purchase costs ( my own opinion is this was borrowed money but I have no knowledge of this one way or the other like most folk) and extra owner financial help ( which could also be by way of further loans, who knows as we will never know for sure) I smell bull In the process of Making changes to the ground and infrastructure? Licenses? Eh? Again nothing concrete was said, he just waffled. Like I said, nothing of any substance to make me feel this lot are moving the club forwards at all. And no, I have better things to do with my time than waste it hearing all this said again on another occasion from our CEO ta. All this interview was about is this Two words - season tickets
On listening to the interview I'm not sure those particular points were asked. But hey. You've made your point. I take it you'll not be renewing. You won't take time out. But that's just as bad as the people you criticise. Changes to the ground can only be done with the permission of BMBC. Who part own/own the stadium. Re the infrastructure, I assume you mean organisation of facilities. What would you like to see. Patrick Cryne was very open on most issues and maybe we've been spoiled on that front compared to MOST clubs. He was clear on the fact that the council had different views on development of the surrounding areas especially around the west stand side. ( I'd be surprised if the council changed their tack on that one. Given the effect on the homeowners on Grove St. ) Rightly so in my opinion. I have very little interest in the points you've raised. My focus is BFC as a club. And the plan so to speak. I am seeing a couple of shifts that I am pleased to see. My only fear is we left those shifts too late.
I just think if the owners didn't care which division we were in why sack Stendel? (When most of the fan base would have accepted relegation under him). Then pay compo for Struber and sign experience in Sollbauer and Ritzmaier?
Why ask me my opinion then in that case? Lol! You asked me what I’d like to be posed at the upcoming supporters meeting did you not? Not what was said in the giddings interview. That seemed to be your inference as the giddings interview is somewhat past-tense. The international investment was a big selling point on initial purchase, just in case you missed it first off 2 1/2 years ago. As without this and and serious investment then how do you feel these owners are going to move this club forwards successfully when they won’t individually invest? My general grievances in that interview include Dane mentioning the owners had stumped up cash to buy us and had ploughed some more of their own in at times but it was an inference not backed up with anything of substance. That’s why I say I believe loans have been taken out until I hear the contrary. ‘Own money’ could mean a lot of things imho. Patrick Cryne was far more transparent on this aspect of his ownership and told the supporters as much, why not these owners? If indeed it is their own money then I’d wager this alone would garner greater respect from the doubters like myself as it would show personal buy-in to their ownership of Barnsley FC at the very least. And regards the ground and infrastructure I picked up on the CEOs ‘own’ comments of there were imminent changes but then when pressed on specifics by giddings I believe he began to waffle somewhat. Again, not convinced. I have no idea what I’d want, Dane mentioned this topic not me, but then he failed to back his statement up clearly in the interview. I want owners to back up their words with actions tbh at the end of the day and when that doesn’t happen ( again, harping back to international investment as this was inferred to be the golden egg when they bought us to push us forwards, given they stated they wouldn’t put much of anything of their own into the club) and they go silent for half the season without adequate explanation of the train crash of transfers and team struggle they had created, getting fans backs up like myself, they deserve serious criticism. The phrase ‘too little, too late’ is ringing in my head right now. As I said, these latest spurious comms from the CEO seem to be all about garnering season ticket sales for me.
I listened to both interviews . Giddings and club. Whilst I may not like things re the strategy. I am fully aware of what it is. Some of the questions posed by Giddings were skirted around a little. But mainly due to confidentiality. ( Happens in any form of business. of which I am aware and understand) If you want warts and all. Forget it. ( NO Football club would ever be so open) They've admitted the communication has been poor. Hopefully that will improve. But if you believe the interview is because it's ST renewal time. ( Of which I believe there is an element of truth in what you say) It doesn't alter the fact that. Communication. Damned if you don't but also in your eyes damned if you do) . You have no idea of what you want. So why harp on. It was not widely known at the time that Patrick Cryne was pouring money into the club to keep it debt free to anyone other than himself. It's quite clear how they see the club moving forward. By being self sustainable and improving year on year. ( Made a boo boo this year which I think they openly admit ) The thing that I didn't like in response was that Paul Conway's wage doubled, as a paid director. But as acting CEO for the first year that might be explained.
Erm, harp on? T’is you dear chap making a laboured point on this specifically not myself I think you’ll findbut I’ll lay it out again just for clarity. I’m pretty sure I made myself clear on this point, I.e. it wasn’t ‘my’ point or what ‘I’ wanted but the CEO and his statement of intent regarding ground and infrastructure which when pressed couldn’t adequately answer. That was my point. You then pressed me for an idea or answers that I had not thought about as it is not my interest in the slightest tbh. You merely incorrectly assumed that was my angle and interest without adequately reading my initial response. I’d suggest it is you that is ‘harping on’ about it wouldn’t you? And yes, Conway’s 68% is concerning but again I’ll wager we will never know as is the policy for these ‘business’ owners.
Your opening comment was there was nothing of substance. If You want substance.? Then ask the questions. For some the interviews confirmed the already known. Your take is how much of the boards own money has been spent by the board members. Maybe I’m getting my wires crossed but that’s how it came over. Dear Chap indeed. ( I’ve never bin int forces. )