He means that this 75th anniversary ties in to the 50th anniversary 25 years ago the bank holiday was moved in the same way.
According to a quick google search On the 8th May 1970 (which was also a Friday) Construction workers broke up an anti-war rally in NYC's Wall Street. Thousands of students protested against the Vietnam War following the Kent State shootings in Ohio General trivia. The Beatles also released "Let it Be" album
I can't see the point of this myself. The few people still alive who remember VE DAY will be in their 80s. Every day is a holiday for them. Isn't it time we moved on? If not why don't we have a special holiday to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo?
I would agree except for the special circumstances of WW2. Watch David Badeil's BBC documentary on "Confronting Holocaust Deniers".
I have no problem with celebrating the role of those who fought tyranny in World War II. I take my hat off to all of them. I would,hope that had I been born in that time I would have made a small contribution. It is however impossible to know such things. Neither do I have any problem with commemorating the big events of World Wars. D-Day, Battle of Britain, Holocaust Memorial Day etc. With VE Day we are celebrating a celebration, which most of us are too young to remember. The era of the street party is long gone, in my opinion. Let's remember the sacrifices our grandparents made. I do not think moving a public holiday for a one off is necessarily a good thing. My view.
Particularly as it wasnt very well advertised. A lot of people gave booked holidays assuming it was still.on the Monday and calendars are wrong.
How dare you disrespect people who have their lives so you could live in a democracy????? You are disgusting!!!!!!!!!
He disrespected no one. He's not disgusting but you are an abomination to human kind. And I say that reservedly. We don't need your f*kcwitism anymore now fc*k off.
Well I’m all for it , commemorating our heroes and it’s the day before my birthday so extra long weekend