The Fan zone. Sorry but this is no replacement for Redfearns. Given it a good go, but at the end of it, I’m being asked to stand in a car park. Sometimes it is freezing. I’ve tried it, but the upshot is that I don’t want to drink there. Whilst i take my hat off to Gally, Hicksy, Ben, Derek and everyone else who volunteers, they are being sold down the river with this set up. It’s not a place to meet people or drink. It’s a car park with some gazebos. The club has let these guys down so badly after Redfearns. Taking advantage of volunteers.
It’s an Americanism from their type of football with trailer parties, gazebos and the like. And it’s also a cheaper option Big problem is, we aren’t Americans Yet another clueless idea sadly.
Can't fault those who've tried to make it work, but when push comes to shove football is a winter sport, October to March in Barnsley is just grim, and it's outside. All the effort and good will in the world cannot overcome just how cold and uncomfortable it is.
I think its good the club try things but sometimes i wonder how well they are thought through. I haven’t been or managed to get in since it opened so my comments are made as observations only. The team seem to do a fantastic job and many of the principles such as live music, variety of drinks and player attendance is good. BUT... location, location. Summer maybe also spring it works. The other 85% of games i would expect it to be an uncomfortable social experience. The club could if it wished do much more. They could build a bigger redfearns and use it for local community activities too. Would the council help? Grants? I see manchester council have opened a huge modern youth club, built from scratch near Gorton. For me personally the new model has meant less engagement with fellow fans but maybe its been great for others. I think the fantastic job the team do deserves more. Could give it a brand and even open for away game days. Depends how much the owners want to invest in game day experience, staffing and build a stronger brand. . I think we know the answer.
We tried to get in on the first day of the season but gave up and haven't been back since for the same reasons that others have given.
Fair comments. Obviously the challenge back would be how many more fans we cater for when it is open and the use of the old room as the Kids’ Zone. There’s people in the FanZone pretty regularly that wouldn’t step foot in the old Redfearn’s Bar (like a poor man’s Ladbrokes used to ring out), so like with anything you’re not going to please everyone.
American style that won’t work in England. The English style is something David Beckham is trying to introduce in American - that is to say - you walk into town and then you walk to the ground. Which is getting away from driving to the ground. Oakwell has a fantastic location in that it’s a few minutes walk from a town centre that’s got some decent pubs. I wouldn’t dream of drinking at Oakwell - when I can walk around the boozers in town. What we do need is more boozers like Old No 7. Not a tent in a car park.
Was a regular in Redfearns. Tried fan zone once. Full. Since then have been back in Dove ever since, mainly due to climate, not the efforts of those on here who run it. It's similar, yet smaller, to the fanzone I waxed lyrical about in Orlando a few seasons since. Sadly Barnsley on a Tuesday night is not Orlando on a Tuesday night. Sad, was hoping it would work and fair play to those who have, as always, given 100%
That first game was an attendance of 1,100+ vs. an expected 300 or 400. Security never controlled the numbers that day and it was mental (combined with the teething problems you’d expect from opening something for the first time). Think it’s up to 500 now and was full yesterday at 2:30pm. Not sure we can say it hasn’t worked as there was never any criteria set in the first place. We’re busier than we were in Redfearn’s Bar by a long way, but then we’ve lost five games to the weather.
I’m not sure about that and I was in there almost every game for five years. Very routine and loyal crowd, rarely any new faces, and full at 2:15pm (only 150 people capacity remember). Plastic chairs and that environment wasn’t for everyone at all. I know loads who refused to come down no matter how much we asked them to. That’s not to say you couldn’t create an indoor venue that would eclipse both Redfearn’s Bar and the FanZone, but you’re talking significant investment and a long term view/strategy in my opinion.
Myself and a few friends usually meet around 1pm, others turn up about 2pm if they can't get in it's not fit for purpose therefore we meet up in town
suggestion on this thread seems to be that the fan zone was a club initiative, which was forced upon redfearn's. is that actually the case? or was it a redfearn's initiative, which the club supported? genuine question. i had always assumed it was the latter
It was neither really. Nothing was forced and everything was collaborative around an objective of catering for more fans. A FanZone was suggested to allow use of the old venue for the Kids’ Club as the one in the East Stand was full every week. From there we put our ideas forward and then just got on with it.
Not sure this is really going anyway is it? Both our examples are right and both are examples of why people wouldn’t have attended the old venue.