This particular gripe is a metaphor for the pretty much everything this board has done so far. Its another 'emperors new clothes' type addition, like everything else, the 'best transfer window ever' its just smoke to blow up our gullable yorkshire arses. We'll replace a proper safe warm area to socialise and drink but put you outside in the car park in a tent, but its all american style, its part of the match day package..... Just like weve replaced our best players with vastly inferior ones, but weve gave them big 4 year contracts, OK weve lost Kiefer Moore for 4m but weve replaced him with a shiny new goal machine.. Pat 'battering ram' Schmidt, and for only 900k. Everything is half arsed. Too many folk for me are still listening to em, still spooning it in. The interview with Dane whatsitsface other day, I thought it was awful, proper worrying stuff, but low and behold, it was met warmly by some. It promised so much when they took over but delivered nothing and now the mask has slipped for me and it aint gonna get better soon imho. The emperors new clothes of a football board.
Think it’s alright myself , similar to a lot of clubs on the continent who have just as cold climates , also everyone who went to the tent at Accrington were saying how great it was , we do it it’s **** and should have built Las Vegas
I said Barnsley and surrounding areas. There's loads of pubs out there that cater for such occasions, but I'm saying how many would claim it to be a big driver of their business? Not many would be my guess. The difference here is you're needing the functions, birthdays, band nights to give you any chance at all of making any ROI in the first five years. That's the supplement to your matchdays rather than the matchdays being a supplement to your bread and butter. Your example of destination pubs doesn't ring true with this example. Not unless the club built something and then looked for a lease/tenant to run the business (which could be an option). The Chestnut Tree is owned by Greene King, they have 3,000 pubs, so imagine the buying power to get to the prices that pub charges. The people running that pub get their menus, drinks ranges, promotions, and everything decided for them. Barnsley FC would probably have to employ a Director of Hospitality, and then a GM for the social club. So you're likely at £65k a year in salaries without selling a drink or building the venue. Then how do you manage staff on something with no real regularity of turnover? I would absolutely love a Social Club and I'd be in there every game God willing. But I think it's looked at as an easy thing to build and make a success of when it requires so much more than that. We've not even touched the sides of the complexity involved in this thread.
Is there any reason that the club couldn't get a deal with someone like greene king whereby the club gets a small percentage of the profit or just a fixed fee in return for a low ground rent or something like that? I'm thinking of it more as a service for supporters though rather than as a money making exercise for the club. As in in your opinion how easy would it be to have something that makes a profit as a standard place for Greene king (as an example) in return for them providing a service to supporters on matchdays? So the club isn't really making a large amount of money from it but is getting the fanzone provided by the people running the bar? And as another question. If the club said to you they would back you today with reasonable levels of funding and they would sort out any licensing issues what would your ideal next step for the fanzone be? For me in an ideal world it's the east stand mezzanine with shearers style bar in it. On a smaller scale though it would be permanent large gazebo canopy structures which you could then attach sides onto on matchdays so the roof and pillars are permanent and the sides are removable (I assume that helps with the wind issues) and a permanent high sides wall around it all to further help lower the wind. I'd also make it twice the size that it currently is somehow. And yeah I know that would probably cost a fair bit but I've no idea how much I'm just saying what in my head would look quite good.
You could build a giant pub on the car park and then put it out to market for the likes of Greene King, Enterprise Inns, etc. but it wouldn't be easy. There's not really massive public demand out there for more pubs right now, just improving the fortunes of ones that already exist. I don't think it's about the club making money, but a social club like described by some could be anything up to £250k of investment. Without security on the field of Championship status, I don't think any club in our position would sign off on those funds. What would I do? If we were established in the Championship I think there might have been a strategy to look at a redevelopment of the West Stand to include a Supporter's Bar and a Restaurant, over two levels potentially. With that being so close to local residents maybe that was the licensing that Dane referred to in the interviews? Completely guessing here by the way, but I could see that working well. Regardless of opinion in this thread, the FanZone has been a success. It's catering for more fans, pouring more beer, giving a good experience for those who want to attend, and supporting local talent and music. Some like it, some don't, but those are the facts vs. the last x amount of years. What it has proved is that the weather limits it's impact severely, so you could look at building something using multiple containers and sides. The 'kit out' would still be minimal so the investment is only on the outer framework, but with an impending relegation that would be my solution if it was encouraged to proceed for another year and improve.
Although I haven't used the fanzone once I do think it's fantastic what has been achieved by the volunteers. It always looks pretty busy as I walk past so I'd say that it has been as successful as it could ever possibly be with the budget it was given.
The hotel would be rammed all year round. PDC darts have weekend events at Metrodome monthly with next week them there on Friday as well. So 128 players plus managers and family and scorers and management etc all needing accommodation which is why Premier Inn is 80 odd quid next Saturday as they know it will sell out. Then you have the regular Snooker events at Metrodome so again a very large number of people who need rooms. You could make a deal for away teams to stay there or our academy lads so they are close to the ground. Or away fans for long distance teams. For example if we had one there already some Millwall fans might have preferred staying up here after the game and going back the next morning. The town will get loads of visitors for meetings, visiting relatives and many other occasions. As for the pub/restaurant part it wouldn't rely on just Football. You would have locals and could do birthdays, christening dos, wakes etc. It would be a goldmine that would soon pay for itself and the club owning it they would probably put on monthly supporters meetings so they can have 1 quiet midweek night a month that could have a couple of hundred potential food n drinks customers in there before, during and after the event.
A poor idea badly executed. Who in their right mind wants to stand in a car park in Barnsley in deports darkest winter. Hats off to those trying to make it work but it never will.
How is it badly executed out of interest? Totally fair to claim the bad idea part, but I'd like to think the execution of the bad idea has been alright? There were near enough 500 people not in their right mind on Saturday thankfully.
you can’t execute a bad idea well. I have been in once. Everyone looked cold and miserable. I queued for an age feeling cold and becoming increasingly miserable. Got served an average pint and left. Can’t see any situation that would get me to try it again. Soulless cold and unimpressive. The reason pubs in England have walls is cos it’s cold and they sell cold drinks. If it was a viable alternative then Wetherspoons would just crack out the pumps in car parks
We enjoyed our visit there on Saturday - lad had a beer, I had a coffee and we listened to the guy singing who was more than decent
Fwiw I've been to the fanzone twice and really enjoyed it. Got in straight away, got served quickly and the beer was reasonably priced and of a good variety, brewdog, acorn and the like. Live music was great too. However, it was 15+ degrees and sunny both days. I can imagine the problems people would encounter in the cold and rain. It really should be moved back inside tbh.
Ah. I feel more assured now. You're on about the fact it's outdoors, which is the idea rather than the execution. Each to their own but one thing I don't think it can be called is soulless. Atmosphere with the live music and everything on stage going on has been great. Some lovely families come down regularly and the bond with us behind Redfearn's Bar and the customers is great in our eyes. No getting away that a couple of games have been freezing mind.
But if it was back inside you wouldn't have got served as quickly, wouldn't have the variety in beer range, and no live music or player interviews, etc.
A warehouse type of structure would surely serve the purpose no? Wouldn’t cost the world to build I’d imagine either. Could fit loads in surely and everything and everyone would be out of the cold and wind.
Mentioned something similar on another post. Would still cost a lot but world's apart from a bricks and mortar social club.
Don't we have one of those at the opposite corner of the ground? I wonder how viable it would be to use that on mstchdays.